Welcome to the ISDC
The Irish Subaru Driver’s Club is a non-profit making organisation, run by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. The club has always been run by a committee of volunteer Members.
The aim of the ISDC is to share, through its members, the knowledge and experience of Subaru ownership, to improve the awareness of products and services available to our members. The ISDC has continually grown and developed throughout the years, introducing new national events for its members such as Trackdays in Mondello,Rolling Road Days,Charity Drives,Family BBQ’s and much more. There are also many local meets throughout the year so people can put faces to names and have an informal chat about their Subaru. This is also where new members can come along and see what the ISDC is all about.
We would like to welcome you to the website and encourage you to join our Forum The Irish Subaru Driver’s Club was established in 1999 by a small group of Subaru enthusiasts and was combined with an Irish web-based forum in 2000. Together, the aim was, and still is, to share knowledge and experience of Subaru ownership so that owners can fully appreciate and enjoy the Subaru driving experience. Since 1999, the club has grown into one of the best car clubs in the country, creating a very close knit community throughout the club and the Forum has enabled users from all areas of the country to be a part of the club and experience everything the club has to offer. Over the years, the ISDC has supported many charities to try and give as much back to the community as possible, charities such as Barretstown, Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Irish Autism Association, ISPCA and more. Check out our events section here for details of upcoming events. The majority of activities and discussion takes place on our Forum and we would encourage everyone from current owners to potential buyers to sign up so that they can meet like minded people and learn as much as possible about their Subaru.History of the ISDC
We hope that all members of the ISDC will find the club a friendly, knowledgeable and approachable place where they can express and share their views and knowledge and enjoy the experience for both themselves and their families.

Why Join?
There are a number of reasons why people join the ISDC. To some it is a way of meeting other Subaru owners from all over the country. They get their enjoyment from meeting up with people at the various shows where the club would have a stand set up. Shows, for the most part, they would not know about if it wasn’t through contact with the ISDC. They take great pride in the appearance of their cars and enjoy having people admire them and maybe take a few photos with the kids.
Then there are the members who enjoy the high performance end of things. For them the track days would be the place to try out that new induction kit, upgraded brakes or maybe that new turbo, and do so in a relatively safe and controlled environment, where risk to pedestrians and other road users would be eliminated. At these events ideas are swapped, potential upgrades are discussed and members can be told of the pitfalls/benefits of one type of product against another.
Then there are the people who, for some inexplicable reason, want to be involved in the daily running of the club. The guys/gals who organise the shows, the track days and the website and who still pay their membership the same as the rest of us.
When you join the ISDC, you will be sent a membership pack containing lots of ISDC Merchandise like window stickers, key rings, LED torches and more. You will also be able to avail of club subsidies at all of our national events, for example, there are subsidies on all karting events, there’s also a subsidy on our annual trackday and every year we host a family BBQ which is completely free of charge for all of our members and their families. So the more you participate in club events, the more you get back.
We are always welcoming new members on board so join now and become part of the ISDC Community!!

I want to join The ISDC
Becoming part of the ISDC couldn’t be easier!!
You can register on the ISDC forum for FREE to get involved, have a laugh and have all your technical queries answered.
If you wish to join the Club , then the first step is to register an account on the Forum here.
Once that is done, you can select “Become a Full Member” at the top off the forum where you can purchase a full year subscription giving you 365 days from the day you start.
So you can purchase your subscription at any time of the year.
Once payment is confirmed, your forum account will be upgraded to Full Member status and you can access all areas of the forum and view the latest upcoming events.
The cost for membership is now only €50 and you do get an awful lot for your membership money.
Can I Invite Others to Join?
Yes, of course you can invite others to join the ISDC.
If you know someone who would be interested in what we do as a Club,
then we’d be delighted to see them join up as a Member.
Simply direct them to the website or tell them to contact us
via email at: irishsubarudriversclub@gmail.com
and we’ll go through any of their questions with them.
Remember, the more people you invite to join the Club,
the more the club will grow and develop.

The Committee Volunteers 2023 – 2024


Committee Member / Event Organiser

Committee Member / Event Organiser

Committee Member / Event Organiser

Gordon O' Neill