Removing Vent Covers

To remove the vent covers you will need an 8mm socket. There are 3 screws per vent and two tabs. The tabs must be squeezed together to remove the vents. The internal hood-scoop cover is held on by several 8mm screws and one tab. Remove these screws and then remove the nuts holding on the exterior portion of the scoop. There are also a couple of squeeze tabs for the exterior portion of the hood-scoop. Once the external portion is removed you will see how the last tab is fastened. I pressed down on the tab from the top of the hood with a small screwdriver to force the tab through the fastener. Then screw the hood-cover back on. It took me a while to figure out the last tab, so I decided to write up the instructions to aid others.
I was removing mine to clean them out. They accumulate leaves, dirt, etc. I have heard of people using wing nuts on the screw for quicker removal, installation.


(The ISDC cannot be held responsible for any modifications that adversely effect the warranty of your car.)