Custom Front Grill Modification

What you'll need:
  • Flat stock that is 4" X 1/2" I used aluminum. - to hold in grill
  • 4 sheet metal screws about 1/2" long - to hold in grill
  • Spray Paint - for the grill and small bar
  • Touch up paint - for the 2 drilled holes
  • Drill - for holes to support top of grill
  • Screw Driver
  • Jig Saw - to cut expanded steel
  • File or Dremel - to de-burr expanded steel and small bar.
  • Some expanded Steel or Expanded Stainless Steel if you can get it. I found only expanded steel at my local hardware store. Enough to make 2, 12 - 12.5" wide by 8.75" high pieces. I found 18 ga with 3/4" openings worked the best. You can cut the material with a jig saw, if you have access to a metal shear even better. Cut at the joins and file the ends smooth a Dremel worked for me.
With the pictures this should be enough to do the job. If you have any specific questions just email me directly and hopefully I can help. I've driven around with the grill in place for over a week and so far it's working nicely.


(The ISDC cannot be held responsible for any modifications that adversely effect the warranty of your car.)