Installing a Boot MapLight

Tools required:
  • 12mm wrench Flat
  • blade screw driver
To complete the installation you will need the following SOA parts: trunk light assembly (part #84611GA000) and a striker with switch, (part #57531FA000).
Open the trunk and use the screwdriver to remove the four rivets securing the rear plastic liner piece. Do not try to pry them out! The rivets are a two-piece design. You want to hook the screwdriver blade just under the edge of the top cap piece and gently pull it out from the lower piece. Once they are separated both parts can be easily removed.
There are five other fasteners securing the liner. The four on the edges (two shown in the picture, two on the other side) can be twisted off by hand. If you have the trunk net accessory, there will be a hook like the one shown in the upper left of the picture; otherwise you will have two "knobs" like the one in the lower left. Finally, the centre rivet is the same type as the ones you removed in the previous step. When you have removed all the fasteners, gently lift out the plastic piece outlined in red.
You will see the two bolts securing the striker and the unused connector for the switch. Use your 12mm wrench to remove the bolts. Mark the position of the stock striker with a piece of electrical tape or pencil. If your car is equipped with a remote trunk release, you will need to detach the cable to the striker. Simply lift the latch and pull the ball end out, then gently pull out the bezel on the end of the cable sheath. No tools should be necessary. Set the old striker aside and position the new one in place.
Install the remote trunk release cable on the new striker by threading the ball end behind the latch and pushing the bezel into position -- it should go in with a "click". Bring the switch lead around to position (shown on the picture as the black wire visible through the round holes to the right of the striker) and connect it with the existing connector. Finally, install the two bolts on the striker but don't tighten them home yet. Use your marks made in the previous step and position the new striker accordingly.
Now it's time to install the light itself. Stick your head into the trunk and look up -- you will see a small round felt-backed hole where the light plugs in. In the picture, I'm holding the light with the base facing towards the hole, and the dangling connector with the blue and yellow wires is where the light plugs into the existing wiring. Position the light as shown on the left picture (note: left in the picture is towards the front of the car), insert, then give it a 3/8ths turn clockwise (it should feel secure in position). Plug the light into the harness -- it should light up! Test the striker switch by pressing down on the white lever -- the light should go off. Congratulations!
Finally, replace the plastic liner piece. Make sure the rubber moulding on the edge of the trunk is not pinched. The picture on the right is looking down on the left edge of the trunk, and the small dot in the centre is a rivet hole. You may need to pull up the edge of the moulding to position it over the liner, as shown. Replace all the rivets (put the lower portion in the hole first, then push the cap on to secure it) and screw on the other fasteners. Enjoy your new trunk light! is offering a close-out price @ $30 on the 95-01 Legacy Map Light, so I thought I'd try it in my '03 Impreza TS.

I haven't seen the map light that the WRX has, but this one's a perfect fit. The light comes with a template for the headliner cutout, as well as the wire (and Scotch-Lok connector) to run power from the dome light.

The dome light has two hot wires, one's _switched_ with the door, and the other is always hot. The provided instructions tell you which one to tap into, and the colour coding is still the same. Test it with a voltmeter if in doubt.

The template worked perfectly for me, lining up one of the edges with the front "ridge" where the headliner has a sharp bend made the screw holes line up perfectly. I've included a scan of the template and Subaru's instructions, in replies to this message. Note that the template scan is 8.5" by 11" at 200dpi, and you'll have to print it to scale to have an accurate template to use.


(The ISDC cannot be held responsible for any modifications that adversely effect the warranty of your car.)