
keith dublin

Member Number 161Full ISDC Members 2015
I see maxol offering packs of adblue for 17 Euro
What's the crack with it will it help a diesel car get through nct.
Is it only for diesel cars I know most new cars have a tank to refill at service interval
Is it just mixed straight in the tank on older cars
I know we use it in work in the bus what's your views on it
Good or bad
It's used as it's the only way to pass the euro5 emissions with diesel more stuff to go wrong :facepalm:. And only 25/30 klm more milage from it that a standard 1. That's on the cheating vw's anyway :icon_biggrin:
Don't mix it with fuel anyway!
It's sprayed into exhaust to lower emissions, buses and trucks have been using it for years.
It's awful stuff
all the new Isuzu 7.5 tonne trucks in work are running it . lads reckon the 15 and 16 regs are far heavier on diesel than the older trucks .

my new 16 transporter doesn't have the adblue tank but an electrician I know has a 180 transporter and it has to have the adblue it's a 16 reg also .