cant find model for vrt


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ISDC Club Member
At vrt centre here and they can't find model of car , I'm not leaving without reg ! Any help asap on what to do
It's gc8c4ed on plate
They won't vrt it cause it's not on system !!
Have to wait for call back from revenue .
Wait ages to get a date suitable now this sh*t
Country is a ****ing joke ????????
Try find someone who vrt'd one recently and give VRT the statistical code.
A gc8c4ed option code bjc is a v2 sti , the v2 sti 555 is gc8c4ed option code bkc.
I had screen shot of vrt calculater with the gc8c4ed code but they said something about emissions been wrong or something.
It's a joke really , Should emissions be on jap import papers ? I didn't think so anyway but am not that up to speed with all this as I've never vrt'd a jap car be4 !
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Its 36% rate and the 226 + CO2 so shouldnt matter its the highest rate so what more can they go on??! They are some dopes. Last jap yoke I VRT'd was a 1996 V2 STi Type RA 555 but it was GC8C4DD and was €926 same as the ROS site.
When I brought my Type R in from NI back in 2004 they insisted it was a 22B coz it was a 2 door and coz they couldn't find the model code for a V6 Type on the system.

They charged me 11k rather than the 4k that it should have been. I had to pay it and dispute it then afterward to get a refund - only to be told in the end they had made a mistake and they had the model code all along! No apology made either!

Incompetence is an under-statement!
I feel your pain I'm just back from the Nct and that couldn't give me a price either you would think there was never one brought in before....JOKE
At vrt centre here and they can't find model of car , I'm not leaving without reg ! Any help asap on what to do
It's gc8c4ed on plate

i sold your car to you as a normal version 2 sti which was 950
with it been a 555 is 1065 on website
stat code 40280961

there pricks that cant do there job
on the plus side you have a rare car lol