Coming along nicely


Octane Boostaholics
If anyone wants to sponsor my tache to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer research(Movember)

Click on the link below and donate a few quid:

The will be regular picture updates so you can track the growth of my tache. Im going for the village people look, with the handlebar style!
Ye there is a gang of us in work doing it too. all looking like a bunch of townies/70's pornstars! :beerbang:
the handle bar style is the most common one im seein ,

most likely because the factory manager has one and there all taken the piss :ponder:
Come on lads, even a few quid will help the cause!

Our team has raised over 8.5K euro only slipping into 2nd place today to EBS lads. Google will match the amount we raise so that will basically double our donation to the Irish cancer society. Not many employers will do that these days. so even 2-3 euro for a few members will help a lot.

Click the link below to donate:

:afro: :thumbsup:
Good job man :thumbsup:

Haha - the handlebars are the business! I'm growing them myself for the same cause!
Thanks for all the donations lads, shave the tache off first thing this morning!!

We raised 17,256 euro, in Google Ireland, raising the most out of any of the company's in Ireland, and EUR €56,267 globally. Probably a bit more will dribble in over the next few days while people clear out the collection boxes etc.

Cheers lads