Coolant recommendation


Active member
They say there is no such thing as a stupid question,well I like to put that to the test every now and again:ROFLMAO: took car out of storage today going for full service on Thursday be4 hopefully hitting for Donegal rally next week. My question I'm getting the coolant system flushed out,is there a recommended coolant for the ej20 engine? Mechanic said coolant is coolant all the same in his opinion but he said no harm to ask incase there is a recommended one. Thanks apologies for dumbass question but like to have thing's right on the car.
Just an update on this,I went into two motor factors in Galway City today. First one had the Prestone in concentrate,fine didn't mind but fella at the till wasn't very helpful when I was asking him about it. I left it and went too other motor factor's. Very helpful fella at till told him make/model of car,he said I would want a coolant for high temp engine's. They had the Prestone also(in smaller 1ltr bottles) but he asked for reg and brought up the manufacturers recommendations. They where all Valvoline but they had the same manufacturer recommendation in another form called Napa I think it was called so that's what I went with. It actually worked out 4euro more than the Prestone. So that's what went with. Just said I'd post for anybody that might be interested when buying coolant again for there own car. Another option
Good stuff man. Have always used valvoline myself, not saying anything is better cause I'm no scientist, but it's never given me any bother either 👍👍