EVE Online


I don't any more but played eve from its beta to about 2 -2.5 years into retail. Was very successful at it too. My user was same "Paddyman" in EVE.

At the very start i got to know a player called "Vegeta" and we joined Tank CE0's pirate corp in the first few weeks of retail and was at it until i quit lol.

We had our own corp for a while called "The Legitimate Business Mans Clubs" (TLBC) and camped FD-MLJ area for a long time. We then merged TLBC into one of the best corps in eve's history for its second coming called m0o corp with about 6 of the original lads. We really had a great time. m0o was all about attacking all the big regional alliances at the time and pirating anyone we could. It was without doubt the best online game i ever played.
Used to play it a couple of years ago. I got the game just after Beta. I used to be in Forsaken Empire and was pretty much a old school pirate but Titains and stuff kinda ruined it for me, skills no longer mattered and it was down to who could bring the biggest blob.

Sold my account about 3 years ago and got 750 euro for it. Can you look up PirateShampoo in game and tell me where he is?
Been in the NPC corp for the last 6months before that... Blueprint Haus for 3months, NPC again for 4months, and Heavy Influence (closed) for 20days, and the list goes on..
Looks like a SPY alt now.. been in and out big allainces 2-3 weeks here and there.... defo a spy now.

Its changed alot now, they have improved it alot.. we living in secure 0.0 space... you should try it again on the free trial..

you be welcome to come join my corp if you do! If ya want to give it a shot again! i got mainly Irish and Uk players in my Corp..
Tried it out 2 years ago but just didnt have the time to sit down and really get into it. Im sure with a bit of patience and luck it good be really good fun once you get a solid footing in the game.
ya it can be hard to get into, its a slow learning curve.. but if u get into the right group they teach you and help you along faster. its not a solo game its all about working together.