EXCLUSIVE: 'The learner driver system in Ireland is killing people' - Driving instruc

How does the system not recognise the 2500 plus drivers on their 11th or more provisional license .
How can anyone be 20 plus years driving without passing the test . If they can't pass the test after say second attempt they should be issued with a bus pass end of story .

Some of the worst driving I've witnessed has been so called novice drivers with zero regard for speed limits in built up areas .

Whole system is a mess .not just with testing but with tax insurance etc
As a nation where third world material when it comes to motoring in all aspects
Sure a previous Minister for transport didn't get a driving license until his 60s when was appointed Minister for transport
The fact hed been driving and owning cars prior went unreported [emoji16]

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At least it's better now than what it was 10 or so years ago when all you had to do was iirc get 2 passport photos and a form stamped by the garda and off you went and got a provisional licence with no questions asked about anything and just get into a car drive on...
Just came through the Dublin bus training 7 weeks, unreal training the training in there is so advanced.
They train you way beyond where you need to be to pass the test
All driving tests need to be the same
Just came through the Dublin bus training 7 weeks, unreal training the training in there is so advanced.
They train you way beyond where you need to be to pass the test
All driving tests need to be the same

And yet they don't train yas to look in the mirrors when pulling off :Falldownlaugh:

Genuinely though fair play coming through it :thumbsup:
I never understood this system. Where I come from you either pass the rules on the road test and driving test and you are ''full'' driver or you don't pass and you are not allowed to drive. What is this semi-driver thing here, do they cause semi-accident? Are the victims semi-victims then? And who takes the responsibility - the N/L sticker on the screen or the institution that decided to let unprepared drivers on the road?
Sure I remember they gave a full licence to everyone on the list just to clear the back log lol
100% with you dontommy... same here.

Although I lived here at the time of getting my license I still did my lessons here and passed the test first... couldn't afford the insurance as an L-driver.

On the other hand most where I live (including my own sister), just did the photo, form, stamp thing... got their L-license... never even bothered to buy - leave alone read - the Rules of the Road booklet... then drove... and drove... and oops, L-license expired, better renew it... and drove... and drove.. Oh it expired again, better renew --- WHAT ?!? I cannot renew again without first attempting the test!?!?! -->Attempt and fail test (zero lessons and no knowledge at all of rules of the road)... Ah... great... I can renew my L-license again! .... And... So... On.
Just now on the radio: a single car colision in Tramore, male driver age 17 and 2 female passengers age 16, one of the girls will never come back home.