FAO Coopster and all Married / soon to be married men amongst us.....


Octane Boostaholics
With your impending wedding I though I would share something that most married men find invaluable.......
We all know our women folk only remember things that are important to them, and forget everything thats important to us.....

This is most evident after about 6 months of Marriage when everything has gotten back to normal and a mate comes into town that you havent seen in a while!!!! You speak to him and arrange a night out!!!! Tell the missus but she seems to have forgotten all of a sudden and has planned a "nice family day out shopping followed by a trip to her mothers" that scuppers any plans you might have had.... You tell her you had plans and suddenly she starts sulking and you get the cold shoulder!!!!

well here ya go..... the only way to make sure she cant forget!!!!!
thats why you should marry a foreigner lads! in-laws in a different country. I have learned the best way to get out of the shopping trips is to act like a child and huff and puff why you get dragged around the shoe shops, say you like nothing etc. She will never ask you again!
very good hammie :clap:

i gave here a copy and a day later i got one back from her self :