Have you seen it.


Hi just wondering lads is there a website in Ireland that people can put up info on their stolen cars, picture and any other such details,
because it becoming very regular now with peolpes pride and joys disappearing. never to be herad of again unless its for "parts going cheap!"
in some car mag. Maybe i'm mad lads, but its just an idea, i think if it was set up it might help get the cars returned to their owners and the scumbags
caught who robbed them too. Here's hoping. :subaru:
Milk carton's, t-shirts any thing at all really if your "baby" vanished alrite. Just checked out that website, it'd be great to see it up and running
properly so if "ever happens to you" we could check it out and help with any info with getting cars back to there owners.
Its more about people who havent had thgier car robbed using it regulary and keeping their eyes peeled for cars. If we all joined and monitored it regulary it would expand, without user intervention its useless
Thats it, we all spot and remeber modified cars we see during our daily travels and remembering a detail like a broken small window or door lock
and hearing about a car matching that describition, could make the difference whether they get it back.