Last night


Middle Lane Hogs
Anybody else find themselves glued to sky news last night??not usually one for all that but it was mad..was just about to turn it off when all the comotion started!!
I just thought they should have shot him onsite!
The prison that had just released him warned the police that he intended to harm his ex!
He had Shot his Ex, killed her boyfriend, and then shot an unarmed Garda in the face, twice!!
hundreds of police, tens of thousands of pounds spent trying to talk him round! :new_2gunsfiring_v1:
Sorry if this offends, just my opinion!
[quote author=forester sti link=topic=24967.msg295418#msg295418 date=1278800637]
I just thought they should have shot him onsite!
The prison that had just released him warned the police that he intended to harm his ex!
He had Shot his Ex, killed her boyfriend, and then shot an unarmed Garda in the face, twice!!
hundreds of police, tens of thousands of pounds spent trying to talk him round! :new_2gunsfiring_v1:
Sorry if this offends, just my opinion!
[/quote]think your right dan,alot of people said this to me,they should of shot him straight away..but seemed the police had other options,plus it looked like he was under the polices noses all along,one place where they didnt search
Its coming to something when Gazza gets drafted in to negotiate! :lol:

Agree that he should have been taken out on sight but that would probably leave the Police men in a lot of trouble! Listening to the news earlier and he was even brazen enough to walk through the village that the police were based in!
Typical of English police as well as Irish Gards. :wall:

If it was in the across the water in the u s he be dead with in a hour. :new_2gunsfiring_v1: :new_2gunsfiring_v1:
just came out on the news that the police wouldnt allow raouls brother or uncle talk to him,but yet allowed gazza join in on it...haha mad desicion making or what
Wtf Gazza. Wat a nutjob. Fucking idiotic radio interview aswell. Bread,chicken and lager thats what ya need to diffuse the situation. I dont really care if anyone takes offence to this but he should have been shot on site.
Gazza also had a fishing rod to give him, i would have shot Gazza first then the other fella.
[quote author=keith dublin link=topic=24967.msg295854#msg295854 date=1278970652]
Gazza also had a fishing rod to give him, i would have shot Gazza first then the other fella.

:lol: :lol: :lol: .. Did you hear the interview? Was feckin gas, gazza wasoutta his head :lol: :lol:
heard yer mans brother going on as if he was an innocent man that the police had killed , he must have conviently forgot that his brother had killed someone and seriously injured 2 more !

funny world sometimes