Linkin Park new album


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Big news coming with the last week, announced last night 11pm.
New singer, female fronted now. To be fair, if it was gonna be a Chester replacement, they done it the right way I think, if they tries to replace with someone who sounded exactly like him, he would always be compared.
New album
New world tour

Listen below. I like it, took me a couple of listens but I like it tbh
Yeah man - I like this.
I can definitely see, and hear why the band chose her .
Clever move by them.
Chester, legend yes.
Can clearly see why they decided to go the way they did. Great move. I watched the full set they done last night, where they basically revealed the singer. Some songs, epic, some were OK.
And a bit BUT

She was a nobody like 24 hours ago, now she's on stage with Linkin Park, can you imagine the nerves and emotions. Them shoes she had to fill are fuckin MASSIVE lol
I'm proper hyped, I won't lie. I can't wait for the album!
Very 50/50 now with the fans. Personally, I think she's good. Good move by the band I think
Very 50/50 now with the fans. Personally, I think she's good. Good move by the band I think
I heard few of the songs and the feeling was like she has nice husky voice but she is nowhere near him. I know it's a total reset and it's a LP2 but still...
I get that, but that style of screaming, the vocal fry, is exceptionally hard to do the way he done it. Was more distorted rather than raspy. He had far too unique a voice to try and replicate with someone else i think.
I did watch that live gig, and she was very emotional, crying and all at one point, I expect a lot better on the next gig.