Mini Meet


Well-known member
As above lads,any of ya fancy getting together on sunday somewhere...just go for a spirited drive... :D
Count me in Rob,its been awhile,giving good weather too
Think we meet somtime after 12,any one any ideas...think johnny5 will be joining us...
Send me GPS cords - that sexy sounding lady will tell me how to find you. :thumbsup:
Well myself,joynny5,camomo,and luke are def meeting up,just waiting on johnny to give the location,we were thinking of going for a spin up the dub mountains.... :Dlike i said just waiting to hear from johnny... :thumbsup:
Rite lads...meeting at airside motor park(subaru garage)@ 2.30pm,then we will be stopping off @ red cow hotel @3.00pm or so,then off for a spin,so anyone who wants ta meet up those are the times... :thumbsup:
Watch out if your heading for the gap coppers all over it now.
Might tag along if i can.
hi lads sorry we missed you,we ccouldnt make it across town to the red cow as the traffic was to bad,but carlo made it to the red cow and was there at 3 oclock for a while and didnt see anybody there ,i was on the phone to him then and we desided to head north from airside as it would have been 4 oclock by the time we got to the redcow.

att ;keith and 555-scooby ,sorry we didnt get across if we had of known we would have made it over to yous eventually.

anyhow,the meet was ok,the traffic really ruined it as it took 2 hours to make it to bettystown and it was 5 oclock before dave 571 could get something to eat(sorry dave),we had stop in the europa hotel i think its called which was grand as only down the road a classic car show was taken place at mosney,so we got see all types of interesting cars and bikes go by,including a mint white lancia delta evo ,one of my favourate motors.

im sure camo or robby be along soon with some photos
was gonna head to that show today....but decided to go to the red cow....was to late to head across by the time i decided to leave....not your fault if the traffic was shite plus i was 10 minutes late.