mobo awards


Member Number 25Full ISDC Members 2015
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is it just me or are the MOBO awards the biggest racist event since the kkk in the 50s in tennessee.

for anybody that doesnt know what the MOBO awards are, it stands for "music of black origin" and its awards for black people and there music.

image in 2010 that there was a MOWO awards , " music of white origin" would there be a problem????????

talk about calling the kettle black

excuse the pun, but racisim
it's not racist it doesn't exclude white people or people of any race. It doesn't claim "black" as a race.. it's to celebrate music of black origin. Thats just a term to incorporate all different styles of music hip hop , r&b, soul etc.
Many white people have won awards, the don't put down any race or try to lynch people it has absolutely fcuk all to do with racism.
Are the folk awards rascist because most of the people are white? It's about music not race. The awards are a load of sh*t and but I don't see how any one can be offended by people celebrating a type of music.
How you can compare to the KKK baffles me.
you must be easily baffled dave!

if it doesnt claim "black" as a race, who does one define music of black origin?

or are they just presuming black people were the first people to be rapping etc.

maybe they shouldnt have used the word "black" in the title.

and do you think there would be a problem with awards begin held called, !music of white race".??????????????

i love all types of music and i am far from racisit as i have plenty of friends from around the world.

these awards have always asked questions in my head
Your comparing an awards ceremony celebrating music, to a bunch of people who gathered together in the name of advancing one race and exterminating organization that lynched people and burned people!!

Music of black origin is music that originated in black communities, hip hop, R&B, soul blues, jazz. It's easy for us as we have an identity, Irish. West Indians/African Americans for example don't know where they come from as most were taken as slaves therefore the use the term black to describe themselves.
Why can we be proud of being Irish and they can't be proud of being black?
Africans for example don't refer to themselfs as "black" don't identify your self as white.

At any stage during the awards is race discussed? as I said there are loads of white people at the awards winning many black peoplego to KKK rallies and how many peopl at the MOBOS are calling for the extermination of white people...they are poler opposites.
One is a celebration of music - one is a gathering of hate filled retards
There's no way in hell you'd be allowed to call anything 'music of white origin' awards.. Regardless of whether black people were invited or not.. There's double standards everywhere with regard to race and gender.. Feminists campaigning for equal pay compared to male counterparts but you don't exactly see them storming the doors of insurance companies demanding they pay the same car insurance rates we do..

Don't you know, a white male is the only ethnicity you can't be racist against..
What has it got to do with the KKK? How are you being discriminated against being a "white male"? That is some ignorant bullshit.
its called music of black has roots with black people in the else would you describe the awards? it has nothing to with race??
I don't know how this has any effective on your life. They aren't having these awards screaming "black power" or "kill all crackers"...its a music awards ceremony?

You know white people win awards as well yeah? so how is it racist?
I didnt say it was racist having that name and i certainly did not compare anything to the kkk.. TBH I couldn't give a fook what they call the awards but there is definitely double standards involved because no way in hell would you be allowed call an awards ceromony 'music of white origin', the fuddy duddies would go ape sh*t because the name wouldn't be politically correct and would be seen as discriminatory.. Simply pointing out the double standards involved..
But who identifies them selves as "white"? The black Identiy came from the fact that white people in america labelled them black. What other name could it be called? We identify ourselves as Irish, African americans identify them selves as black, the music comes from them hence the name black origins. Its that simple.
Blacks were so called during their oppressed years in america so agreed, thats where they get their 'black identity'.. At the same time, caucasion people were identified as 'white' so does that not mean they have a 'white identity'?

American Country Music originated in the southern states by white people.. So if they were to change the name of there annual awards to music of white origin awards, basically being the exact same as the african americans and the black origin awards, there would be a huge problem because denoting something as white would not be politically incorrect..

I don't mind if people have a black origin awards, or white origin awards, the only thing that gets me is that one is acceptable and the other is not..
Country music awards are for country music, MOBO awards are for various different types of music, all from black origins, that's why the label.
No one is saying we can't have a music from white origin awards so I don't see where the double standard is, your complaining about a hypothetical situation.
fair enough you have a point, it wasnt a fair conparision between the two, they are totally different and i was wrong to compare the two.

i do get your point about identity but

if there was an awards for "music of white origin" there would be uproar??

i cant see many people posting on this subject so i dont think much good will come from it but i have been asking myself the same question about these awards for years and just wanted to see were people thinking the same as me or just didnt want to talk about it.
[quote author=Dagnut link=topic=27259.msg319306#msg319306 date=1287857079]
Country music awards are for country music, MOBO awards are for various different types of music, all from black origins, that's why the label.
No one is saying we can't have a music from white origin awards so I don't see where the double standard is, your complaining about a hypothetical situation.

Ok then, call it the 'country music of white origin awards' and watch the uproar over it.. Country music was simply an example..

This 'hypothetical situation' is the whole reason Johnny started the thread:
[quote author=DUFFMAN link=topic=27259.msg319231#msg319231 date=1287791385]
image in 2010 that there was a MOWO awards , " music of white origin" would there be a problem????????

talk about calling the kettle black

In 2010, if you announced an award ceremony called the 'country music of white origin awards', you would be linched for being a racist. The double standard is that 'black origin' awards are perfectly acceptable but 'white origin' awards would cause uproar.
Just agree to disagree, for me, we have our identity Irish, we are proud of it. These people were snatched from their homeland , brutalized for generations and only had rights from the 1960's if the want to be called black and celebrate the heritage then fine, it's not isolating anyone its not breeding any hate.
The only people who want to identify themselves as white, from what I can see, are ignorant racists. Maybe it is a double standard that any one with dark skin can call themselves black, but I would only ever call myself Irish and I'm proud of it.
We have a world wide day to celebrate our heritage, these people have fcuk all, they are only trying to build some culture and pride for their kids and coming generations.
Dagnut,not to cause any more issues with this racist black/white thing....
If us as white people of the world came out with an award like this MOBO award,or even like MR Black America....Miss Black they have.....US as whites would be the biggest racisist around...
This is a very touchy subject to be discussing on a public forum and could get taken totally out of text..... :sucks:
I don't think you see where I'm coming from at all Dave and I think your post makes it look a bit like we're attacking their right to celebrate their ethnicity.... And on such a touchy subject, its not appreciated..

I have absolutely no problem with them celebrating their ethnicity, or the name they call their awards.. The only point is the double standard involved.. Its just the stigma of racism.. IMO, people will never get over white versus black race row while such differences exist..
but it isn't white versus black your missing my point, there is no "white" who calls themselves white?

So if you don't have a problem with them celebrating what is the point of all this? what exactly are we missing out on here?

As I said these are not black awards, they are music of black origin which is correct, you still haven't answered my question, how else would you phrase it?