Passing STI's on to family members


Sunday Drivers
Whatever you were expecting this thread to be about, its worse than that, much worser!
Sold the wagon yesterday after 3 years. Watching it driving out the gate and rumble off up the road left a lump in my throat! My younger brother bought it off me, and has already a long list of parts ordered for it, and he will really look after it.
Anyway until my next subaru, bye bye!
At least it's in the family and won't be driven like a lunatic around some housing estate.
You never met his brother then :icon_biggrin::icon_grin: only kidding :icon_biggrin:

never nice To see them go and lots of doubts about did I do the right thing :icon_sad: But when it's a family member it's not as bad :thumbsup: it can always be bought back if needs be .
Best of luck with the new search :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear, lovely wagon, hope d butcher doesn't butcher it⛲