private insurance on a commercial van??


Sunday Drivers
can it still be done lads,have a berlingo van,im changing the log book and im going to tax it privately and then switch her from commercial insurance to private,in this way il be using her as a second "car" so i can get classic on my scooby.
by the way for any fooking do gooders out there i wont be using her for commercial purposes anyway :)
Buy a small engine Van as its a 1.9 to tax so 690 a year tax :thumbsup:get s 1.4 or something if your not using it
Know several people who do this, and no reason not to if you don't need the extra seat.
Just mind that if ever you do carry goods that insurance only covers you if you picked goods cover (taking it is a private insurance policy).

As long as you tax it privately and not commercially you are grand.
Actually quite hard now to tax it commercially - a lot of hoops to jump through to prove you will use it for business purposes.

After that it is back in the hands of the insurance gods... some will be benevolent and grant you the privilege of giving them one of your ribs or your first born, in order to get a piece of paper that may cover you in case of an accident or a Gard stopping you... Some will just laugh at you and hang up as they have enough ribs and first borns for now. Lol.
I've done it few years ago with axa. The insured me very reluctantly and had to go back few times to bring more papers and sign lots of declarations of no commercial use etc.