Property question


Octane Boostaholics
I have found a property I am interested in buyin!
Now the problem is its a few years built but never finished as the property developer went into recievership and all assetts (from what i can tell) were ceased.

Odviously whoever has control of these properties would sell them if they got an offer wouldn't they?

my question now tho is, who do i approach about putting in an offer?
cheers man!!!!

Ill get searching for a bit more information so!!!

I wonder would they look for the same price the developer was looking or would they take a vastly reduced offer!!!!

Well since the last price i can find was a peak boom figure
A reciever will be working for the bank you will have to get on to them.
We had the same prob with the new shop took fooking months to sort out.

But keep at it it will be all good in the end.
Cheers buddy!
Guess its just a matter of getting the information to find the right people to speak to!!!!