Due to a number of complaints from people who feel the moderators are too soft on here, we will shortly be adapting these rules from another forum:
The Golden Rule:
There is no free speech!
-This is a privately owned website. You do not have the right to say whatever you want on here. You are expected to obey the rules just like anyone else. Not following the rules will get you banned. It is very simple. You are allowed to discuss anything as long as it doesn't break the following rules.
- Topics/posts that contain this will be both edited and locked.
- Posts containing personal attacks on another user will be edited/deleted.
- Posts that are just complete nonsense will be deleted. You do not need to post threads in multiple forums. You may ask a Moderator if you think the post is important.
- Topics/posts containing such will be edited/deleted accordingly.
- Topics/posts containing such will be deleted on sight. This is a severe offence. The minimum ban handed out will be one month. Permanent bans will also be handed out for this. If you are linking to an external website that might contain "newspaper" nudity or contains sexual reference, please make sure you mark it "Not safe for work"
Off Topic
- Posts that stray off topic will be edited/deleted, depending on their relevance to the topic at hand. People who ignore a moderator's request to stay on topic will be banned for a week.
Phone numbers
- Posting other people phone numbers is a bannable offence. You should never post your own number on a thread as it is not guaranteed to be safe.
Posting in "rtrd"
- Using txtspk n ur psts is cnsdrd been rlly stpd cuz u hv qwert kbd n ur pc so xpct 2 b wrnd. Please don't do this, this is not a bannable offence but repeat offenders might be "asked" to take a break from posting.
Personal Abuse
- Posters who abuse others on here will be banned. Permanent bans will be handed out on a first offence if a moderator feels it is warranted. There is no argument on this one. Abuse someone and you will be banned. Calling someone an idiot is abuse. Don't attack the poster, attack the post.
Regular users run the risk of a longer ban due to you should know better.
Pointless Threads and Polls
- Posting any pointless thread or poll will result in the thread being locked. You can be banned for this. Think before you post. If you don't have anything to say then don't bother posting a new thread. Please try to comment as much as you can on any threads you create. If you create a thread in which you ask people to contribute in, contribute first.
Threads on Soccer
- There is a soccer forum. Posting about soccer here just because you don't have access to the soccer forum will result in the thread being locked and the user possibly being banned. You may apply for access on the Soccer Access Request forum.
Arguing with a Moderator
- Do not argue with a moderator in a thread after they have given a warning or a ban etc. If you have an issue with a moderator's action then PM the mod in question. They will discuss it with you. You can then, if unsatisfied with the PM route, take things to Feedback.
Giving cheek or attitude to a moderator will get you banned.
Do not under any circumstances complain about a mod on this forum. Do it either on PM or in Feedback.
And by the way....
Reporting Posts
- Any thread or post that contravenes the charter should be reported. When reporting a post, make sure you have good reason. Someone disagreeing with you is not a troll, not all arguments are abusive etc. Abusing this feature is frowned upon.
Registering a New Account to Circumvent a Ban
- This will get all accounts site-banned.
General Posting Guidelines
- Please navigate around the forums before starting a new thread. Use the search function if you think something may have been posted before.
Before you post a thread, consider the following:
- Is what I'm about to post relevant, coherent and funny or in any way interesting?
- Does it add to the forum or is it another thread which is taking up space?
- Has it been posted before?
-Is it suitable for this forum?
Your threads and posts should be well thought out and coherent. This isn't AOL, there is no need for txt/leet speak or excessive punctuation. If in doubt, use a spell checker before you post. Meaningful threads add to the community. Always try to stay on-topic and contribute to a thread. Moderators are also there to help you if you have any issues or if you have any queries.
- The charter contains all the rules and guidelines. The charter may be updated at any time. Make sure you are up to date.
This is a requirement, and ignorance is not an excuse. There are different charters for every forum and reading them will prevent any problems.
- Be sensible.
The use of 'Technically, what I did is not disallowed by the charter' is not a valid defence against acting the idiot.
Idoits will be banned at any moderators, cat mods or smods disgression.
NO links to sites requiring signups to forums.
- No questions, do NOT pass go.
Ticket buying/selling/exchanging
Threads/Posts will be deleted on sight.
- Anyone flaming etc thru the use of the thread tags will be banned for 2 weeks.
We know who you are. You can't escape the system.
If anyone thinks this is not strict enough can you please add any more suggestions here:
Please keep in mind that you may be banned for replying!
The Golden Rule:
There is no free speech!
-This is a privately owned website. You do not have the right to say whatever you want on here. You are expected to obey the rules just like anyone else. Not following the rules will get you banned. It is very simple. You are allowed to discuss anything as long as it doesn't break the following rules.
- Topics/posts that contain this will be both edited and locked.
- Posts containing personal attacks on another user will be edited/deleted.
- Posts that are just complete nonsense will be deleted. You do not need to post threads in multiple forums. You may ask a Moderator if you think the post is important.
- Topics/posts containing such will be edited/deleted accordingly.
- Topics/posts containing such will be deleted on sight. This is a severe offence. The minimum ban handed out will be one month. Permanent bans will also be handed out for this. If you are linking to an external website that might contain "newspaper" nudity or contains sexual reference, please make sure you mark it "Not safe for work"
Off Topic
- Posts that stray off topic will be edited/deleted, depending on their relevance to the topic at hand. People who ignore a moderator's request to stay on topic will be banned for a week.
Phone numbers
- Posting other people phone numbers is a bannable offence. You should never post your own number on a thread as it is not guaranteed to be safe.
Posting in "rtrd"
- Using txtspk n ur psts is cnsdrd been rlly stpd cuz u hv qwert kbd n ur pc so xpct 2 b wrnd. Please don't do this, this is not a bannable offence but repeat offenders might be "asked" to take a break from posting.
Personal Abuse
- Posters who abuse others on here will be banned. Permanent bans will be handed out on a first offence if a moderator feels it is warranted. There is no argument on this one. Abuse someone and you will be banned. Calling someone an idiot is abuse. Don't attack the poster, attack the post.
Regular users run the risk of a longer ban due to you should know better.
Pointless Threads and Polls
- Posting any pointless thread or poll will result in the thread being locked. You can be banned for this. Think before you post. If you don't have anything to say then don't bother posting a new thread. Please try to comment as much as you can on any threads you create. If you create a thread in which you ask people to contribute in, contribute first.
Threads on Soccer
- There is a soccer forum. Posting about soccer here just because you don't have access to the soccer forum will result in the thread being locked and the user possibly being banned. You may apply for access on the Soccer Access Request forum.
Arguing with a Moderator
- Do not argue with a moderator in a thread after they have given a warning or a ban etc. If you have an issue with a moderator's action then PM the mod in question. They will discuss it with you. You can then, if unsatisfied with the PM route, take things to Feedback.
Giving cheek or attitude to a moderator will get you banned.
Do not under any circumstances complain about a mod on this forum. Do it either on PM or in Feedback.
And by the way....
Reporting Posts
- Any thread or post that contravenes the charter should be reported. When reporting a post, make sure you have good reason. Someone disagreeing with you is not a troll, not all arguments are abusive etc. Abusing this feature is frowned upon.
Registering a New Account to Circumvent a Ban
- This will get all accounts site-banned.
General Posting Guidelines
- Please navigate around the forums before starting a new thread. Use the search function if you think something may have been posted before.
Before you post a thread, consider the following:
- Is what I'm about to post relevant, coherent and funny or in any way interesting?
- Does it add to the forum or is it another thread which is taking up space?
- Has it been posted before?
-Is it suitable for this forum?
Your threads and posts should be well thought out and coherent. This isn't AOL, there is no need for txt/leet speak or excessive punctuation. If in doubt, use a spell checker before you post. Meaningful threads add to the community. Always try to stay on-topic and contribute to a thread. Moderators are also there to help you if you have any issues or if you have any queries.
- The charter contains all the rules and guidelines. The charter may be updated at any time. Make sure you are up to date.
This is a requirement, and ignorance is not an excuse. There are different charters for every forum and reading them will prevent any problems.
- Be sensible.
The use of 'Technically, what I did is not disallowed by the charter' is not a valid defence against acting the idiot.
Idoits will be banned at any moderators, cat mods or smods disgression.
NO links to sites requiring signups to forums.
- No questions, do NOT pass go.
Ticket buying/selling/exchanging
Threads/Posts will be deleted on sight.
- Anyone flaming etc thru the use of the thread tags will be banned for 2 weeks.
We know who you are. You can't escape the system.
If anyone thinks this is not strict enough can you please add any more suggestions here:
Please keep in mind that you may be banned for replying!