Ps3, Usb 4ports adaptor and hdd?


Octane Boostaholics
I got a usb 4port adaptor for extra ports on the ps3 cos i was running out and wanted to keep the leads at the back.
Have it all hooked up and it doest recognize the 2 harddrives, i had it hooked up to the fatt aswell and the same thing with the hdd, but would read the hacked usb
So it has some thing to do with the hdd.

Would it be that there portable hdd and it wont draw the power through the adaptor? I cant remember if it showed up when i had the desktop hhd plug in.
Anyone got an idea before i go routing behind the tv again.

The adaptor.,r:6,s:28&biw=1366&bih=667
So it would work when a powered hdd as in one with a plug and not the portable?

Is there anything else that i could use?
yes.. but i can power all usb hubs.. u can get one for it and see will that work. PS3 can will only give out so much power. get a plug for the usb hub and it gives the power instead of the ps3