Rosberg retires


Why he decided to retire so young and a great car

I got the notification on my phone from sky sports and nearly fell off the chair. Can't believe it!

Who's next is the big question? Lots of good drivers I reckon could beat hamilton in that car. Hamilton will fight hard against a few I could think of.

I'd like to see Verstappen brought in just to see Hamilton implode with rage
That's mad! Verstappen has bought a whole new side to f1 and he's not a bit afraid of Hamilton, would love to see him with Mercedes

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As bitter as I am about someone so young being successful I would like to see that. He has the balls to just race.
Doesn't matter who is taken in, team orders will ruin the race, it's a waste of time.

Disgraceful that at the top of the motor sport pyramid that they can't let the #1 and #2 race in the final race of the season
Was shocked myself at his decision. But he will went out on top, suppose not a bad time to go. Does he know something about Merc's preparations for next year, fear they will not be competitive enough, doubt it though.

Hoping they put Alonso, Vettel, Ric, Max, etc. in against him but fear they won't do that. Was thinking a young gun from Manor this year, but with regulation changes they probably don't want that either. Perez could be a front runner so or someone like him, although Force India would be trying to keep him.
He has a young family and I'm sure he isn't stuck for a few quid I'm sure he will survive working in the local post office.
It's a dangerous game maybe he has 6th sense