Try loads of bikes getting wipped at the mo they have a stolen bike section :shock:
That will tell you how many are getting knicked
Two scumbags on a honda bros with a gold back wheel with a bolt cutters as long as your leg strapped to the side of th bike :shoot: :shoot:
These fookers were in court the other day and they walked free so what do yea do.
Take the law into your own hands :dunno:
Bet if i got one of them knicking me bike and wacked him with a hammer i would not walk free
And the government are as bad as them letting them walk its a joke
blow there knees out.
shootguns and rifles are cheap these day 800e would fully sort you legaly, iv checked and i aint intrested in shooting ducks
the cops wont help you, they couldnt give a flying fook what happens.