Tax - non use declaration


Howya boys!
What's been happening? I forgot all about declaring the car off the road because the house was sold in November '15 and I totally forgot about change of address for the tax. The tax or non declaration was up on the last day of June but I only got the letter today due to my brother calling round to our old house looking for some other post.
Has anyone any cute-hure ideas on how to avoid paying any tax and continuing on the non use declaration?

Fookin nusence
Hi Pete
Change ownership
or just wait until your selling to change
as of yet they aren't looking for back tax on previous owners anyway :thumbsup:
How are you Colm,
not going to sell and don't want to be adding names to the ownership either if I can at all help it????
Was thinking that
I'd just leave as is
that's what Im doing
I changed ownership on a car few weeks back
hadn't been taxed in 14 months
no problem to relax and nothing asked from previous owner
they aren't doing historic tax claims
only if going to tax again in same name will back tax be asked for
as far as I'm aware
if your looking to sell have Genuine Buyer :thumbsup:
personally number of owners means nothing to me as a sign of the condition of the car. My car has multiple owners and Im sure I will add few more through my ownership (tax purposes) and is in far better condition than my partners car which she is the 1st and only owner.
personally number of owners means nothing to me as a sign of the condition of the car. My car has multiple owners and Im sure I will add few more through my ownership (tax purposes) and is in far better condition than my partners car which she is the 1st and only owner.

same here
would effect Petes car :thumbsup:
Apparently tax office are still accepting off road declaration if you can prove it wasn't on road and have good enough reason for forgetting/not able to declare off road.

I have a pdf of the old RF100 on my laptop I'll send it to you when I'm home.

I'd go in to the local tax office and ask what the sceal is. Just play it coy.
:plusone: John is right... there's a certain amount of discretion by the local tax office.

I forgot to declare the hawk off the road (continue off the road from the previous year) and had also just moved house etc.

Was out by about 6 weeks. Rang them and had a chat. They verified that indeed the car had been off the road for a year already and were able and willing to declare it off the road from the correct date without hassle. Just had to write them a handwritten note with date and signature explaining what happened and why I needed an exception (probably for their own admin and cover them in case ever anything came up about it). A week later I got a receipt back in the post stating it had been processed and declared off the road.
I emailed the tax office and signed off about 6 cars that we never got notice for (that we actually did - see where I'm going?)

Explain your case in a email and they will do it for you. Worked for me anyways
Sound Tommy ????

Cheers boys! I have to tax the other car soon so I might tax it first and put the charm on and see what can be done ????????