The amount of people around me doing this

keith dublin

Member Number 161Full ISDC Members 2015
Drivers are BREAKING the law while defrosting cars, police warn
The warnings come as six cars were stolen in just 30 minutes on Tuesday

Drivers who stay in their warm homes while their car defrosts outside are breaking the law, police officers say.

Any motorists leaving their vehicles unattended with the engine running in the cold weather are being warned as the mercury plummets below zero.

The warnings come after England and Wales experienced the coldest night of the season with temperatures dropping as low as minus 9.4C (15F), the Met Office said.

And any car owners looking to defrost their vehicles in the face of morning ice are being urged to stay on the right side of the law.

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A police spokesman for Staffordshire Police warned: "Anyone who needs to defrost their vehicle must ensure they stay with it and don't leave it unattended with the keys inside.

"Drivers should always be in control of their vehicle when the engine is running, even when they're loading or unloading shopping or baggage.

"Leaving the engine running to 'warm up' during the winter months not only risks having the vehicle stolen, it's against the law.

"Don't make it easy for opportunist thieves because they don't even have to go to the trouble of breaking into your vehicle if you have left it running for them.

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Central Motorway Police GroupPublic Health EnglandSophie Yeomans
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What i did was i took the key and let it run on the turbo timer. Hardly the can drive away without the key?
Once your engine is running turbo timer or not it's against the law
I just send the kids out in the cold to defrost mine lol

Also your insurance won't pay out if the keys are in the ignition AFAIK
Now your talking Tommy
With my 2 I guarantee the car would be dumped around the corner lol
pretty sure its not illegal here keith - can't find any reference from Gardai or even Irish insurance companies stating that it's illegal here.

On a side note though - for those that have fancy new cars with keyless start - don't think by leaving keys inside front door while car is running outside that the engine will turn off once out of range of the keys - car will stay running regardless of how far away it gets from the keys!
Mine sits there idling to heat up... as does my missus's one...

... however... thieves would need to come up the 750m lane... pass the "trespassers will be shot signs" and sneak up to the house without being seen... even if they would manage all that they would still need to be able to get away... down said lanes... before I catch up with them... and make it clear those signs were not for show. :gun: :Falldownlaugh:
with the cold snap arriving , we've been called to a good few(inc my own mother) with cars running and keys in ignition.

"oh it jus locked itself " and i dont have a spare ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

im one of the turbo timer gang , warm it up for 10 mins , with keys in my pocket
Say you are very popular with the neibours Ross ????????????

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lets jus say they know when its 8.30 without having to look at the clock :icon_grin:
Haha mine know when it's 445am ????????????????

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What i did was i took the key and let it run on the turbo timer. Hardly the can drive away without the key?

same here, turbotimer FTW - set it up for 9 minutes lock the car and go and get myself a smoothie. Parking in underground garage also helps:p

Also, how long are you warming up your cars, as soon as the idle drops bellow 1k you can drive away, just dont floor it. Its actually better for the engine, as varying RPMs allow faster heatup.
I don't bother with warm up chuck some warm water over screen to clear ice and drive off I just keep under 3k till it warms up

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