VF35 wanted


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Not sure if needed yet, but gonna suss it out and see. Possible oil seals gone in turbo, not sure on rebuilding or replacing...but don't know is a used unit the right call either. Some lads saying reconditioned units don't last either but I've heard a few users here swear by em
Anyway, just wanna see if I've a replacement lined up before pulling it out đź‘Ś
How's your experience been with rebuilding turbos? Are they as good as new like?
I've sent him a message, no response yet...I might just rebuild my own, but I've seen one or two threads saying they don't always last either so I'm not sure.
Very good Joe.
I asked ciaran who he used that time with the WRX, Portlaoise Turbo Services, but they didn't respond to email or answer the phone. Who did you use?
There is a Vf35 there

Portlaois for 2 both fine and still going . Never rang them just dropped it in at the counter and they called me when it was done.
Driveshaft services in Dublin did another And 1 in the Uk