wanted mens mountain bike


Middle Lane Hogs
lads any old mountain bikes lying around you dont want looking for one to cycle to the train station not looking to pay much anything up to 100 euro. :thumbsup:
yeah thanks johnny already bought a road bike off him this year would be afraid to leave it at train station incase it gets smashed up ! just looking for a cheapy :thumbsup:

any bikes lads before i go to buy and sell :ponder2:
Have fook all there used at the mo buy and sell is your best bet but alot of them are stroked just watch out. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I've a brand new shock wave there you can have for €150. If interested. :thumbsup:
cheers eric lil bit outta my price range but will keep it in mind waiting on turbo toe to get back to me :thumbsup: