Who's your money on?


Anyone else following the latest self-destruction of Fine Gael? Getting close to squeaky bum time now with both sides claiming they have the votes to win. Personally I think people are telling lies to Enda and will vote against him.

Richard Bruton to be next Taoiseach? A better prospect than Enda Kenny IMO seeing as he will have a front bench full of novices now that he's fired the current lot!!

As Vincent Browne said today
"…..he has got away with it largely because he has had Richard Bruton to do the leadership thing in the area that now matters most. It didn’t matter that much if Enda didn’t know a contract for difference from a hedge fund. Richard did. Richard understood the good bank/bad bank option, Enda didn’t but it didn’t matter. Richard knew all about quantitative easing and so what if Enda thought it had something to do with calving heifers?......

agree with the above but in all fairness what a time to start fighting in public :doh:.should have all being sorted behind closed doors .but mabey they'll :545: make up :lol:
not so sure it could go either way there all yes men till push comes to shove so will have to wait and see . 99%of them don't care who's in charge once they keep there big salaries and expenses
Not sure how it will go but in fairness Kenny has taken them from the gutter to the biggest they have ever been. Not sure if he is the best leader for the party but we will have to wait and see. Lord oh lord did they pick a bad time to have this one out. Still dont think there gonna get Cowen out and if they manage to do that will they be any better. There all the bloody same that lot.
Personally i dont know how fine gael can call on the current government to call an election if they cant get there own party in order , what hope would we have if they became our next leaders ,

anyway enda kenny has all the appeal of a kick in the stones in my book , more brains in my left ball sack
I'd sooner trust a crocodile with a toothache than put any trust into Enda Kenny
He is a worm and snake in the grass as far as im concerned!!!!
[quote author=PatrickBuzzin link=topic=24377.msg289612#msg289612 date=1276723950]

There all the bloody same that lot.
So true
My money is on Bruton, Kenny reminds me of that numpty Breffney that was on the Irish Apprentice, a fcukin eejit.
[quote author=Tommy 555 link=topic=24377.msg289616#msg289616 date=1276724439]
more brains in my left ball sack

You have a right ball sack also?? ...... Niiiice :smokin:
[quote author=scoobysub link=topic=24377.msg289572#msg289572 date=1276721126]
not so sure it could go either way there all yes men till push comes to shove so will have to wait and see . 99%of them don't care who's in charge once they keep there big salaries and expenses

A lot of truth in that. You can bet there's some huge promises being thrown around by both sides this morning for whoever is still undecided.

Fianna Fail must be laughing their heads off :doh:
Labour are coming out of this the strongest. Fine Gael tearing themselves apart. Fine Fail bumbling thru with a vote of confidence looming :new_argue:
try to stay well clear of any politcial bull crap caus they all speak a different language and they're all full of ..............

whole government is the laughin stock of the world , wouldnt run a lil girls tea party !

dont vote caus its a big money racket to see who gets to play with the publics tax money >

hate them all ,,,, rant over !!!
Enda got tough when he needed to be. He might actually come well out of this in the end. One thing's for sure he's got some shrewd people working for him behind the scenes. All they have to do now is make him not look like an ass every time he deals with the media!!
Enda's no problem getting tough with his own party... but seems to wilt when he goes up against the f**kers in power! :angry1:
Think Brian is spot on saying labour are only party winning out of all this , its a bad state of affairs when the fine gael party would keep kenny tho ,