Would You do this job?

not a chance

i sh*t myself on a two foot step ladder
cant believe they climbed without the harness attached to the mast at all times. some balls on those lads
I worked as a roofer for years.. You get used to that type of thing. Having said that, I have never been up that high (except in an aeroplane). Gave me the goosebumps watchin' the first minute or so. Some buzz tho'.. Love it
my brother test drives cars with 1million + in german ..... he also drives protypes worth far more than that... now thats a job i would like to do!
im a scaffolder so heights is everyday thing, but thats mental heights
some balls to free climb at that height.
Yeah i'd give it a go. Used to drive tower cranes.

Tallest i drove was 80 meters up. Just don't look down! :thumbsup: