2004 sti type uk ppp

Delighted for you Tom.

Did the wheel change you were advised on shift it?

Personally, I'd buy a clean car like yours if it was on bricks!!

Someone got a minter.
Well wear to them.
Well graham no I was going to change them this week but the man buying it is getting the black ones done gold straight away
Well graham no I was going to change them this week but the man buying it is getting the black ones done gold straight away

Knew it!

Wheels don't shift cars...
Man with many notes do!!

Especially good honest ones.

Delighted you sold her.

Let the mods keep coming on the blob, she's looking minty!
uff, I feel relieved that this car didnt get broken into pieces... was way too good of a car to be sold for parts..

Happy for you Tom
congrats on the sale Tom.
is the new owner in the club?
will we have 3th black blob sti on meets?