Ah Jesus f**k it anyway!


Octane Boostaholics
More trouble!! I changed all my discs a few days ago. Didn't remove the brake lines just tied them up. Today the handbrake light came on and the pedal started to feel soft. Found a leak on nearside rear wheel. Brake fluid pissing out!

Nursed it home and took the wheel off. Fluid was coming out where the pipe joins the calliper. So I took off the brake line and some tit threaded the bolt in wrong. Me moving it around obviously upset it and it began to leak then.

I took off the caliber thinkin the bolt was what was sheared, but no, bolt is fine, it's the calliper that's messed up. U can see in the pic the spring looking metal, that's what was wrapped around the bolt!! From my calliper!

So, can I retread or am I looking at a new calliper??


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Cant make it out in the photo but caliper threads look ok was there copper washers both side of the brake line on the bolt
Ya washers were there. For sure it's the calliper threads. I took that metal looking spring off from around the bolt.... That's the old calliper thread sheared off....
Not sure man . If it was just a bolt holding it on the yes a heli coil would work . But because its a brake bolt with a hole on it i.m not sure i.d chance it to be honest . dave might know as i never came accross it before
Well, let me know if you will be changing the full calliper, I have two at home, freshly refurbished and spraypainted, that I will probably not ever use... I could let it go for few coins
That looks like the reinforcing from outside of the flexi hose. Threads wouldn't come out like that
Good man eoin, I'd say your dead right...

I have the two refurb ones on the way as above anyway so that will be problem solved!