BUY: Car ~300 eur wanted with NCT

Thanks for clarifying :]

Have one question:
Maybe some of you know person who sell or can find used headlights for 98' BMW 323 ti compact? If we see green light for bringing our car here I might need them (lights) after registration. How much can it cost?

I am always reading this forum, looking at beautiful Imprezas or Legacys... I am sure that as soon I'll have funds I'll get one. I am not against Impreza, but would want Legacy (for more comfortable drive).
There is no other make for me only Subaru (in my heart) :subaru:

Oh... sorry, fell in dreams too much :]
Thank you every one for the input. We sold the BMW finally!!! :653:
So there is no need in transporting it to Ireland ;]