Car tax petition

So the purpose of this petition is to try and have a single car tax system ?

Works out great if your driving a tdi from pre co2 system

If so we shouldn't be wanting this acted on . All our cars would be dearer to tax on co2 system .
I was thinking the same. Would sign to make the rates like in NI/UK, but these would be to shoot yourself in your own foot
dont see any mention of converting all to c02 there

Sign this Petition if you agree that:
It is grossly unfair, unjust and offensive that Irish car owners of older pre-2008 cars are subsidising the road tax (and water tax) of those who can afford new cars!
Pre-2008 car tax is typically €710 p.a. (cc rated)
New car tax is typically €280 p.a. (CO2 rated)
3 times more Car Tax is paid by owners of older cars!
(€439 Million from Car Tax is used to fund Irish Water each year! So owners of older cars are also subsidising the Water Tax of those who can afford new cars.)
It is a Two Tier Car Tax system. It is totally unacceptable! (Political instability will continue until unfair, regressive taxes are resolved to the satisfaction of the electorate.)
This odious law favours those who are "well off" and can afford new cars and penalises those who can not .... young people travelling to work, rural dwellers who dont have access to DART,Luas or buses and taxis, for work and to transport kids to school (no public transport), pensioners, lower socio economic groups etc.
It is an unfair law! - It is an unjust law! - It is a regressive tax law! It is an immoral law! - It is a daft law!
The UK Parliament refused to pass this unfair penal car tax law in 2004 and amended the legislation to represent the wishes of their constituents and deliver fairness. (UK has a functioning Democracy reflecting its Electorate's wishes) but Irish TDs led by the Fianna Fail Party & Greens passed this odious law in 2008.
All taxes are ultimately by consent. Progressive, appropriate, fair and moderate taxes are acceptable to fund necessary efficient public services. Regressive taxes (like Car Tax, LPT, Water Tax, VAT on new houses etc... ) are not acceptable. Constructing a fair tax system requires a clear understanding of what constitutes regressive v progressive taxes and unless this forms the basis for the Irish tax system then political and social (100,000 on the streets) instability will continue ....
France scrapped its hated Car Tax in 2001 and put the tax on fuel. Italy scrapped its hated LPT on Family Homes in Dec 2015. Sweden scrapped its hated Inheritance tax.
Only YOU (by your vote) have the power to change this unfair, regressive Irish Car Tax law.
You have the right to remain silent but it is NOT recommended, because the injustice will just continue for you, your kids and grand kids.
No matter how many signatures it gets the government aren't going to change a thing,they'll be losing a fortune ,come on like this is Ireland. ..
the signature thing will probably not make a difference
although any move to change the current system has to be welcomed
and gets my signature
I think the tax system could be restructured and not loose anything
infact it could make more
40 percent of road tax goes on administartion
get rid of that for a start and your 40 percent up in profit before any type of reduction
2016 and this is the best we can do regarding road tax is lunacy
in a so called developed country :facepalm:
Signed this few months ago got a update last week it's been handed into government already.

Doubt it will make a difference but why not????

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
The road tax to be fair for everyone, would have to be included in the price of petrol, like in most (mainland) european countries.
Read on backroads that it was started in 2011 and only got 13,000 signatures since then,a waste of time imo...
crying to the government about their own policies its a bit.... pointless. They are only interested in collecting not giving. Only yesterday while I was driving I heard on the radio that now there's a fixed on the spot charge of 80euro for bald tires. And Im driving and thinking that the only 2 groups that would drive with bald tires are either people with suicidal tendencies or a big group of people who treasure their life but cant afford to pay for a new tires. And what government does to help is give them a fine of 80 quid!?!? Some joke .... how about get the tax rates comparable to the rest of the EU countries or even better how about start for real to REGULATE the insurance companies and the quotes they pull out of their arses... this way the regular person will have enough to look after his own safety. No even talking about again diverting guards attention from real crimes into revenue exercise on the back of those in need!
[h=1]Conor Faughnan of AA agrees the Irish Car Tax system in unfair and should be reformed.[/h]

R NeuvilleIreland

14 AUG 2016 — Conor Faughnan of AA agrees the Irish Car Tax system in unfair and should be reformed. Listen to him on RTE radio podcast at:

Keep up the pressure by forwarding this podcast link to your local TD demanding tax justice and fairness in the Irish Car Tax system.

Please copy to your friends and family and ask for more signatures on the petition site to ensure this unfair tax law is changed.

[h=6]RTÉ Radio Player: Radio Just Got Easier[/h]

'Unfair' is a bit soft word. What are we afraid to hurt the governments feeling if call it with its real name: Extortion!
I have been living and working in 4-5 different countries and in neither of them the tax or the insurance never been bigger than the value of the car