Final few details to be put up on this thread will be done later or during the week lads
After Caha Pass, it's straight to Gougane Barra.
As said a few times, meeting point in Newcastle West, that be uploaded shortly also. Its an hour from here to Killorglin
We'll have a petrol stop just after the meeting point, and sure we'll have a petrol top up in Kenmare if needs be, may as well keep em full.
There will be a short stop at the very start, just outside Killorglin, for toilet stops etc.
Will also be passing Molls Gap, so will have a toilet stop here too if we can. Parking may be an issue here but we'll see how we go. Kenmare about 20 minutes after that so if we can't stop here, Kenmare will do.
After Kenmare, there is a good hour or hour and a half of no stops for toilets, like, nothing stopping you from pissing on a ditch...but nowhere to use a toilet be more accurate
so just keep that in mind..
I have a few places shortlisted for photos on the route, again, depending on how full/empty they are
I'm well aware that some of ye travelling 2 hours or more to even get to the meeting point, so I'll try and keep it as late as reasonably possible. No point in getting out of bed at 5am for a club drive. The time will be updated during the week, but I'd imagine around half 10 or 11 and maybe leave by half 11 maybe.
Anyway, updates to follow. Not long now