Gardai will be driving Beamers to keep up with the criminals


ISDC Club Member
Gardai will be finally fully equipped to catch marauding burglars with these high-powered cars.
The 162-registered BMW 5 Series will be driven by the Regional Support Unit which act as armed back up for operations around the country.
The vehicles costing around €70,000 each, are designed to take up the fight against highly mobile gangs carrying out crimes in rural areas such as in Co Kildare.
The Garda fleet has been criticised in the past for being too old and not fast enough to pursue criminals in stolen luxury cars.

These BMW cars have a maximum speed of 145 mph or 233 km per hour.
Earlier this year, Gardai hit the road with Audi Q7 four-wheel drives which have a top speed of 137 mph or 220 km per hour.

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Gardai will be finally fully equipped to catch marauding burglars with these high-powered cars.
The 162-registered BMW 5 Series will be driven by the Regional Support Unit which act as armed back up for operations around the country.
The vehicles costing around €70,000 each, are designed to take up the fight against highly mobile gangs carrying out crimes in rural areas such as in Co Kildare.
The Garda fleet has been criticised in the past for being too old and not fast enough to pursue criminals in stolen luxury cars.

These BMW cars have a maximum speed of 145 mph or 233 km per hour.
Earlier this year, Gardai hit the road with Audi Q7 four-wheel drives which have a top speed of 137 mph or 220 km per hour.

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What they should have spent less of our tax money on is Leon FR184 or Cupra Estates or Focus ST diesel estates. Half the money and performance to equal or better those, and lower maintenance costs on top of that.

That said, 530ds are great machines and will be well able to do the job, but is a high cost to us.

You should see how much money is being spent and how often the Q7s are in the service department here at work. They are eating through pads discs and tyres at a ridiculous rate. A huge its so big and heavy that the forces generated under prolonged heavy braking are probably more suited to RS discs/pads.

Another thing that might help them combat these marauding gangs is having Garda members current on their equipment. A recent chase had only one squad car able to keep up with the crims and cornered them but was not able to deploy stinger as the Garda hadn't been re certified on it. Not much good being able to keep up if you can't stop them.
They just need bigger cars to fit 2x gards, 2x customs and 2x social workers so they can "chase criminals".... it may be a reward from the government for a job well done.... but still no money for pesioners ;)
could it be they give the impression that the Gardai are given money for resources witch suits Management :ponder2:
either that or brown envelopes :icon_grin:
In fairness to BMW, I know that the time the Hyundais were bought that BMW offered them 3 Series for the same price but at the time it was felt that a State organisation couldn't be seen to be driving such a premium brand during the recession.

Clearly the mood has changed! 70k per vehicle (after being outfitted??) and the Q7s were prob close to 100k a pop too.

Meanwhile the average new entry to the Garda is on a pittance of a wage and has to supply their own antidote to the pepper spray as that won't be paid for by the state (if you spray that at someone arms length away you will get splash back).

Tough job and this country is terribly run (has anyone mentioned that before???)
What they should have spent less of our tax money on is Leon FR184 or Cupra Estates or Focus ST diesel estates. Half the money and performance to equal or better those, and lower maintenance costs on top of that.

That said, 530ds are great machines and will be well able to do the job, but is a high cost to us.

You should see how much money is being spent and how often the Q7s are in the service department here at work. They are eating through pads discs and tyres at a ridiculous rate. A huge its so big and heavy that the forces generated under prolonged heavy braking are probably more suited to RS discs/pads.

Another thing that might help them combat these marauding gangs is having Garda members current on their equipment. A recent chase had only one squad car able to keep up with the crims and cornered them but was not able to deploy stinger as the Garda hadn't been re certified on it. Not much good being able to keep up if you can't stop them.

That's funny cause they are always in with us too getting oil top ups and service work!
We reckon when the sh*t goes down and they are needed, they pop in for an oil top up....
From a solely speed/pursuit perspective, that money could have been used for much better cars with coin left over to train Gardaí how to use them.

Paying this sort of dosh yet wont reinstate the pay. This is exactly why I left my Garda application at phase 2 when they started recruiting again.

Edit: They're 530's not 520's. Not as bad as thought. I wonder if they're RWD or X-Drive.
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Considering our roads and winter conditions, surely AWD would be the way to go or anything really rather than rwd.
i raced a 5 series with the m logo on it on the way to belfast not sure if it were petrol or deisel, i made him go home a very sad man that day ;)

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they did that with the sierra cosworths a few years ago :icon_biggrin:
From a solely speed/pursuit perspective, that money could have been used for much better cars with coin left over to train Gardaí how to use them.

Paying this sort of dosh yet wont reinstate the pay. This is exactly why I left my Garda application at phase 2 when they started recruiting again.

Edit: They're 530's not 520's. Not as bad as thought. I wonder if they're RWD or X-Drive.
Back in the late 80's wrecked most of them as they couldn't drive them and any that were left were sent back to UK,madness
Wider/better tyres, ESP and TC and whatever else to keep them in a straight line. :icon_grin:
I think cars are irrelevant to a certain degree
the lad been chased has nothing to loose except getting locked up if hes caught
the lad doing the chasing has a Wife and Kids or something worth living for
Crims don't need to be chased at high speed. The eye in the sky can do the work for the ground units. These are a welcome addition
and add a tougher look to the force. Most of the force hate the Hyundais but like the Insignias.