Gardai will be driving Beamers to keep up with the criminals

Insignias are good for the motorways but they blow the same turbo pipe constantly. We have a full shelf dedicated to the pipes at work!
I got pulled one night in the DC5. Gardai wanted to see my insurance cert and if I couldn't get it they wanted to take the car but that's a story for another day.

While waiting on a very angry, tired and pregnant missus to drive out at 12 at night with my cert, they called traffic to breath test me because they hadn't one in their car.

Traffic hooned up the road in an Insignia and jammed on beside us. Gave me the test. Chatted sh*t for a couple minutes and then said "watch this", hopped in the insignia, floored it and dumped the clutch and went off up the road. :roll:

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Me Too [emoji851]

I will third that, when buying the family car last time out went with the Mondeo over the Insignia as got a better deal on one :smile: . Suppose the Mondeos might not be much better, but did not miss a beat so far.

As for the Guarda cars, do not understand why the powers that be spend so much on cars with fairly limited ability. Judging from some of the crappy reality TV shows I see the UK cops seem to go for VRS's, Focus ST's, WRX's, etc. Surely they would be cheaper than the Q7's and 530d's to buy and maintain and do the job just as well?
Know a lad took 4 insignias out of the UK lately 2 x 11s and 2x12s , 20k landed to the north for the four , place is going to be full of them, ????
basically the gardai would write asking for a quota from diffrent dealerships for certain amount of cars amd they would emphasise basically in that letter that they want the cars fast and they want them shiney and scary and with a good brand etc, so they take the quotas and they find the one that suits best for the bufget they have and then they go ahead and sign a contract which includes maintanence services free of charge if im not mistaken.

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I would say it rather goes like this: they write letter in which the person who decides is asking who is willing to add the thickest brown envelope to spicy up the deal and this is the person that gets selected. I've seen it on a smaller level with different business contracts.
Nobody can convince me that there wasn;t better offer on the table than the one from AUDI and the one from BMW! Its all about absorbing budget money in full as if you have left over, you will get less next year :thumbsup:
off course the thong in common between irish folks and kuwaiti folks is that we spend all that we have without caring for tommorow, my country is a rich but we are in debt.

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excuse my spelling mistakes im using my phone and tend to rush my typping, i never wanted to imply what you mentioned in your past post as i dont want to upset any1, it happens on a regular basis behind closed doors whoever knows the big man in the commitee lands the contract as you mentioned, 70000€ for a 5series, for that money i can get you a brand new hellcat SRT8 charger, and that would probably have its weight around here on the streets well we plan and dream and there will always be a bigger scheme

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I would say it rather goes like this: they write letter in which the person who decides is asking who is willing to add the thickest brown envelope to spicy up the deal and this is the person that gets selected. I've seen it on a smaller level with different business contracts.
Nobody can convince me that there wasn;t better offer on the table than the one from AUDI and the one from BMW! Its all about absorbing budget money in full as if you have left over, you will get less next year :thumbsup:

Yup, same with any government contract. If you don't spend it, you don't get it again