Internet Problem!

Sure once Jamie is sorted It will be worth the 4 euro....

Yer on!!! :p

Maybe Ill just raise ya to a couple of pints some night haha
Oh, it's a whole different ball game if your getting drink involved Neil :icon_jook:
[sub]Sure Steve has nothing to be doin with himself Jamie and would only have been sittin on the internet watchin Dwarf Porn anyway!!!!![/sub]

Fair play Steve! 2 Pints is it???

Good to see you got sorted!!!!
Massive, massive, massive thanks to Steve HIWD for all the help sorting poxy internet problelm! :comp26:

Turned out to be more than just a Wireless problem, so he took the PC... repaired it... added RAM and gave me a new wireless card just in case!!! And all at fook nothing cost!

Pure legend... :icon_pray: and a true gent! Mucho Karma!!! :thumbsup:

Thanks again Steve!!! I owe you big style!
