New roadside tests will now check motorists for prescription drugs

lol @ "specified limits" ,if the three drugs they are testing for are illegal then any amount detected should be an arrest offence ,should it not ?

"ok ,you only look half out of it , move along " lol
It's going to be interesting to see how they will monitor the levels. It could be contested in court if someone has a prescription but taking more than prescribed. Timing of doses and other medications being taken would affect rate of absorption etc. I suspect that it's going to a difficult task to get convictions. Also, false positives will have to be accounted for as well. Mythbusters did a test once where eating poppy seed bagels gave a false positive test result for morphine I think.
That's grand I'll keep a bagel in the car .......ya gotta love a bit of morphine????????
Picking on the motorist again
easy prey !

go and get the rear criminals
oh I forgot you use the crime watch tv programme to do that

Wait 10 minutes for best result does this mean checkpoints will now delay motorists
wont be many on the road when prescription medicine scanning
but maybe that's scare monger I guess not sure if that is done in other countries​
I always say this but people in this country complain about the guards not doing enough to prevent road deaths etc, we complain. If they introduce measures like this we hate it because it will hold our journey back 5-10 minutes at a little checkpoint.

I take prescription meds but they don't effect my driving. If I have to put a prescription slip in my glovebox, I'll do it. I'll fly through every checkpoint because if you have nothing to hide, you don't have to worry. It's not collecting revenue, it's just being a responsible adult and not breaking the legislation.
I always say this but people in this country complain about the guards not doing enough to prevent road deaths etc, we complain. If they introduce measures like this we hate it because it will hold our journey back 5-10 minutes at a little checkpoint.

I take prescription meds but they don't effect my driving. If I have to put a prescription slip in my glovebox, I'll do it. I'll fly through every checkpoint because if you have nothing to hide, you don't have to worry. It's not collecting revenue, it's just being a responsible adult and not breaking the legislation.

Spot on lad! Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
What if you forget to take your meds one day
take it next morning and one in the evening are you over the limit then ?
If I don't take meds, I can't drive because by that time, I've had a seizure and under legislation you have to be seizure free for one year before driving. There will be people out there with odd cases but this is still in the baby stages. They announced it today, but they will adjust it accordingly I hope.
Well if it is the case I would be over the limit as I did that this week
i don't think that's fair
I'm a law abiding citizen and if I was put of the road for that
i would be not too pleased about it
its a good thing, there are statistics there that show 1/3 of fatalities on irish roads had prescription drugs in their system.
it probably didnt play a factor in most cases but i'm sure it did it some.

Addiction to prescription medication is a massive problem bigger than most people can imagine.
There are irresponsible people driving around doped up to the gills and it is a danger.

Obviously most prescription medications have no effect on driving ability and safety but heavy sedatives, benzodiazepines and the likes pose a serious risk if someone is necking a bottle of these and jumping behind the wheel.
Again hitting the end user. Not big pharma fault, or the 'helpful' doctors that will prescribe anything you want. No its not big narco dealers fault is the regular junkeys fault. :clap:
Saliva also coincidentally contains your unique DNA. What are they potentially going to used it for its a mistery ;)
I like to see research that connects the use of marihuana with road accidents.... whats next a barcode tattoo on the forearm( it was done before). ;)
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Will be interesting to see how it plays out I'm on a repeat prescription for high amounts of a very strong painkiller (amongst a rake of other meds including steroids) I drive hgvs for a living so usually take them in the eves cos it can make me drowsy so wouldn't run the risk when driving the truck but the drugs would pretty much always be in my system
We can be asked in work to provide a sample at any stage, you can reject it for up to 24 hours as far as I know
With the new pay agreement random drug testing was brought in and if your involved in an accident you have to give a sample to dub bus and garda as far as I know
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See the same abroad.

My brother drives a bin lorry for the Rotterdam municipal and they get randomly tested for drink, drugs and prescription meds.
Has to be done... lots of them there off their trollies and driving a 30+T lorry through city traffic; this is despite them knowing there's regular random testing, plenty of them still use stuff.

Very strict on prescription meds over there too... most anti-depressants mean an automatic ban from driving HVGs and can only reapply for HGV bit on your license after you are ONE YEAR off meds... and process is long as you need to give samples upon reapplication and then again 3 months later and only when both clear do you get the HGV bit back. I guess it is to keep everyone safe, but a pain if it is your livelihood.

Draconian over there too if you have major surgery. Sister-in-law got IDF fitted for a heart condition. Automatic ban for a year and then had to prove good health with a clear ECG before they will re-issue the license - plus you only get a 2 year license instead of the usual 10 years if there every was a medical reason like heart condition, or what have you.