Subaru on Raffle


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Said I'd make a thread for these lads, I'm always looking at em lol
Any lads that fancy a punt, you'll find them here, or stick em here if you see em 👍👍
Nice white hawk STI on LuckyDay

Ha forgot I had 3 tickets bought for that Type R :) Just put a vid up about his collection Some Buck
Remember years ago, dreamcargiveaways had a white Spec C RA, must be 4 or 5 years ago.
35,000 odd tickets. 79p a ticket or something.

I was one number off 🤣🤣
See that's unfortunate. Is this where the want for a white hawk comes from?

It's doable. If you're not in it, you cant win it.
Better odds then lotto.
Haha I felt cheated 🤣🤣
No, to be honest, it's always been a blue blob and a white hawk.
I remember even on NFS underground 2 years ago, had a white impreza...think that was blob tho..but they are class white 😆

Way better odds than lotto. I only ever buy one. Regardless of how many tickets. Might be the wrong way to look at it but...if there's 10,000 tickets and you buy one, odds are 1 in 10,000.

If you buy 2, it's 1 in 9,999
Chances are doubled, but odds are not halved in my mind
Only 12% sold and finishing in 1day. They will be at a big loss. It make no sense...
I know, but they stand to make nearly 45k off tickets so even if they only sell half, they're prob still in profit lol
It's what happens when you don't rinse Facebook and Instagram with the ads for the raffle. It's why McKinney's and rkings do so well
Yeah but I often see it with these lads, they'll sell an awful lot on the last few hours, always the way. Rkings do more expensive tickets, so they usually sell out, but some companies do them very cheap, which means a lot of tickets, then you have lads like us saying, only 12 percent sold, sure I'll get one and before you know it, its 70% gone
Fact lol