Subaru on Raffle's all well and good saying i would until someone is offering 100k to me. That's the thing...but I'd like to think I would. It would be worth more to keep it, even if you did wanna sell it on, you'd get more by keeping it. But, I dono, as I said, you take the cash alternative, and you can be guaranteed that 99% of us here will NEVER get the chance to own one again. Cash alternative wouldnt buy you one now.
It wouldn't be a fast decision anyway. There's some selling for 3 times that price.
So, car or cash...God only knows.
Maybe car for a while, keep it for a bit, sell it then...God only knows tho!
Thats what I like to see. I'm saving for a house at the tough decision...but, take the cash, yeah, good chunk off the house price, and then I've a small mortgage to pay etc...but either way, I WILL NEVER be able to spend 200k on a Sunday car. You'd pay that if buying privately. fu*k knows, 5 or 6 years, they could be 500k
And at the end of the day, if you don't win at all, we're still fine, paying our bills, saving money etc. Get 100k and off your mortgage, buy a new car, go on hols, etc etc...then it's gone and you've no 100k and no 22B 🤣🤣
Fuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkk the house.
Id live in the local park, wash meself in the pond with the ducks in it, campfire in the evening and a 22b in the car park. Absolutely take the car. Wouldn't even think about it for a nano second. In a few years there probably going to be pushing 400k.
Take the car
Take the car
Take the car
Take the car
Get yerself a new missus
Take the car
Take the car
You'd have to take the car being honest,
I'd put it into storage for a few years and then sell it to some yank for some serious money..