Octane Boostaholics
Well lads,
I've just started training for a triathalon, I haven't applied for it yet but i am going too do the sprint one, which is 750m swim, 5km Run, and 20km Cycle. Here's the question, have any of ye done one or do them, and how did ye train for it, I'm starting by doing 2miles swim, but should i cut down the swim and do swim and run. or swim and cycle or just do swim one day, cycle next day, and run day after, and put all together at the end of week?????
Would i need too do weights too, I'm quite strong Anyway as i've been swimming frequently for the past 10years but is there different muscles i would need too target. Any help appreciated.
Ps. i dont have a bike so where would a good place be too get a good bike suitable for it, but not very expensive.
I've just started training for a triathalon, I haven't applied for it yet but i am going too do the sprint one, which is 750m swim, 5km Run, and 20km Cycle. Here's the question, have any of ye done one or do them, and how did ye train for it, I'm starting by doing 2miles swim, but should i cut down the swim and do swim and run. or swim and cycle or just do swim one day, cycle next day, and run day after, and put all together at the end of week?????
Would i need too do weights too, I'm quite strong Anyway as i've been swimming frequently for the past 10years but is there different muscles i would need too target. Any help appreciated.
Ps. i dont have a bike so where would a good place be too get a good bike suitable for it, but not very expensive.