Training for a triathalon


Octane Boostaholics
Well lads,

I've just started training for a triathalon, I haven't applied for it yet but i am going too do the sprint one, which is 750m swim, 5km Run, and 20km Cycle. Here's the question, have any of ye done one or do them, and how did ye train for it, I'm starting by doing 2miles swim, but should i cut down the swim and do swim and run. or swim and cycle or just do swim one day, cycle next day, and run day after, and put all together at the end of week????? 
Would i need too do weights too, I'm quite strong  :icon_redface: Anyway as i've been swimming frequently for the past 10years but is there different muscles i would need too target. Any help appreciated.


Ps. i dont have a bike so where would a good place be too get a good bike suitable for it, but not very expensive.
Thanks andy but was reading up on your bike before and its far far too expensive a bike for me too use,
It'l be a bike for training and race, I plan on doing 5 or 6 of them by the end of the summer so i'd be looking for a bike too buy that is a good quality but not too expensive, second hand if good bike.

Cheers Andy :thumbsup:
john is it an indoor tri or an outdoor and

i would cut down your swim to a 1000 meters in a gym and then do your run for a few weeks before gettin into the cycling

dont worry about weights as you dont need to be that strong, if you havent done any cycling lately defo get out as much as possible as you need to get your arse used to the saddle as youll be saddle sore for days after your first run
I am no expert but I have seen some very good information on this sort of situation on, its a great website with great information.
Fair play to you john mate for doing this, Id say the trainings tough alright, wouldnt mind giving it a shot meself!!!

Best of luck with it, let us know how the trainings going. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Ref: Training

I'm training at the minute for a course in the Job that started today and buy amI glad I started in Janurary.

I intend to do a triathalon later in the year with a few to competing on a bigger level next year but will be going to check out the club Lee's (Wetpatch's) misses is in as they give you all the advice you need when training for these exact disaplines.

Ref: A bike.

I will be talkiing to Keith Dublin when I want my competition bike later in the year so I can get the best for my money. Give him a PM. He'll sort you out.
Cheers lads some very usefull info there, Brought it down too an hour swim last night, bout 1800m boy i was well fooked after doin the 2 miles the day before, i was planning on doing one with the swim in the sea, so i thought it would equate too doing about 2 miles in the pool. I'll give keith a shout. Cheers lads :thumbsup:
have a room full of medals for this craic, all from a former life!!!!

the key is, atfer you have built your stamina, to practice your transitions, especially from bike to run, hammer the bike for a short while, then hammer the run for a short while. your using completely different muscles and if ya can get used to it ya will be on a winner!!
Clive i may give you a shout one of the days about it. Its all about the stamina at the minute, i'm swimming well for about 500m but i have too swich too the breast stroke too get my breath back, so untill i can do practically 1000m straight swim i wont be ready,
I'm good at the running so that wont really be an issue, but i have allot too work on for all 3 together.
thanks for the advice :thumbsup:
just tell me your situation, i was talkin top (near) end stuff there. if its for the craic the main thing is to enjoy it, i loved my first one when i was about 15 but if i didnt enjoy it i would have never went on. for the seriousness of the race its very relaxed and you will meet some great people out of it.

Its for the laugh, but i also want too do quite well, Fitness is also another aspect of it as i want too get my fitness back up. I know i'll enjoy it, but if i can do well all the better. :icon_grin: :thumbsup:
good luck with it. if ya need anything just let me know
