General Election Opinion Poll

If there were a general election tomorrow, to which party or independent candidate would you give yo

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As it says on the tin...

Just wanted to see if ISDC members' thinking reflects the opinions in today's poll?
wont and dont vote for any of them shower of crooks , if o'leary ran , i would actually go and vote !
If you don't vote, you can't give out :ponder:

Loads of people seem to think Michael O'Leary is some kind of political messiah who has yet to come and save the Irish people. Judging by the way he runs his business, I'd say he would be a member of the PD's if he were a politician.......think on!!
@ nodge , i dont vote because i have absolutly no confidence in any of them ,

mr o leary is one of the people , not some muppet who cant say a sentence without using fifteen 6 sylable words.

bottom line imo ,shrewd or not , o leary is a sucess at what he does , cant be said for ANY of the politicians . sure look at the state of the country !!!

this is my opinion !!!
Sorry what have I missed about O'Leary? what political experience has he? Just because you can run a business doesn't mean you can run a country. O'Leary is a cut throat fcuker like most people in his position...what makes you think he gives a flying fcuk about you or your family?
i used to never vote as above thought they were all tossers (they are still)
but ive come to the view now if you dont vote you cant complain
the next election will be the first general election i will vote in
and im not going to wast my vote ill prob vote for an independant

is it true if you dont vote whoever is already in office gets your vote??????????????????????
If you don't vote, then how are things going to change??? Even if you have zero confidence in all involved, at least vote to give someone else a chance to prove you wrong.. We know fianna fail are sh!te, they have proven it... Give fine gael or labour a chance to do some good.. If they turn out to be sh!te as well, then so be it, we'll be no worse off than we are now anyway and we can then move on to give the next party a chance in office..

As for o'leary, he doesn't give a sh!t about you or your family. He forces handicapped people to rent wheelchairs FFS. How anyone can say he'd be a great leader is beyond me..
O Leary for the win! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They'll have to let him sell scratch cards in the Dail and print a Mary Harney calendar :lol: :lol: :lol:
Anybody except that fooker incharge of FG, anyone that can come into a bar and order a big round of drinks and fook off without paying for it :icon_rolleyes:

Altho, maybe he might not pay back the bailouts. :lol:
What makes you think anyone is going to be any better than the scum that are already there?
Not 1 of them can be trusted! They are all out for themselves and don't give a fk about the country!

They are all as bad as eachother!
[quote author=Dagnut link=topic=28117.msg328196#msg328196 date=1292520735]
Sorry what have I missed about O'Leary? what political experience has he? Just because you can run a business doesn't mean you can run a country. O'Leary is a cut throat fcuker like most people in his position...what makes you think he gives a flying fcuk about you or your family?


Please don't try to tell us that any of our politicians give a flying fcuk about anyone but themselves either-and on top of that-they're fcukin liars.
[quote author=Hammie link=topic=28117.msg328246#msg328246 date=1292532731]
What makes you think anyone is going to be any better than the scum that are already there?
Not 1 of them can be trusted! They are all out for themselves and don't give a fk about the country!

They are all as bad as eachother!

So you'd rather vote FF in again? Thats rediculous.. With FF still in, you are guaranteed toget rode up the hole for many more budgets to come.. At least give another party a chance.. It can't be any worse than the shower that are in at the moment..
everyone keeps saying give someone else a chance cos they will do better. what are they gonna do better? this country will only turn itself around when every tom, dick and harry stops thinking they are economists and saying everything is shite. Stop the depressing shite and focus on the positive aspects of your life. the budget last week was quite fair, i think, if not a bit too soft for whats required but what do i know. All i know is that there are a lot of good things in life to focus on and thats what i plan on doing.

the only thing that will bring improved government is if policy is brought in that td's can only become ministers of departments in which they have a relevant qualification or background.
[quote author=Sweetcakes link=topic=28117.msg328258#msg328258 date=1292535306]
[quote author=Hammie link=topic=28117.msg328246#msg328246 date=1292532731]
What makes you think anyone is going to be any better than the scum that are already there?
Not 1 of them can be trusted! They are all out for themselves and don't give a fk about the country!

They are all as bad as eachother!

So you'd rather vote FF in again? Thats rediculous.. With FF still in, you are guaranteed toget rode up the hole for many more budgets to come.. At least give another party a chance.. It can't be any worse than the shower that are in at the moment..
You have picked me up wrong!!! I won't ever vote ff!!!!!
They are a shower of crooks in my personal opinion
I'm just stating that I can see no way the other crooks going under other names will be any better!!!

Dave is right tho!!! The only people that can sort this mess out is us(this nation)
We basically all sat back and let the government ride us!!!
Time we turned things around and made them shower work for us!!!
The nation has to take a stand if we are ever going to see growth and recovery
[quote author=B4 soon link=topic=28117.msg328251#msg328251 date=1292534069]
[quote author=Dagnut link=topic=28117.msg328196#msg328196 date=1292520735]
Sorry what have I missed about O'Leary? what political experience has he? Just because you can run a business doesn't mean you can run a country. O'Leary is a cut throat fcuker like most people in his position...what makes you think he gives a flying fcuk about you or your family?


Please don't try to tell us that any of our politicians give a flying fcuk about anyone but themselves either-and on top of that-they're fcukin liars.

I didn't try an tell you anything, I said why would you trust and eulogise a business man as a great leader?
Your labelling all politicians, most of whom you know nothing about...was Tony Gregory a liar and a scum bag? he devoted his life to the inner city of dublin and fighting poverty and crime...received death threats from drug lords...but he wouldn't affiliate himself to any party... that's the issue there are decent people out there its your duty as a voter and a citizen to seek them out and exercise the vote our forfathers die for...instead the usual shite " ah sure there all the same".... that kind of apathy is what got the country in trouble in the first place re-electing those gangsters..
[quote author=johnk555 link=topic=28117.msg328201#msg328201 date=1292521813]
is it true if you dont vote whoever is already in office gets your vote??????????????????????

eh, no