General Election Opinion Poll

If there were a general election tomorrow, to which party or independent candidate would you give yo

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Looking at the results so far Sinn Fein are onto a winner :eek7:

Sinn Fein often poll well though and then find that people don't turn up to vote for them on the day!
Lads I honestly don't know how anyone could even contemplate voting for FF after what they have done to us and this country. The worst part is they have got away it. Kenny deserve his chance at the job. If anyone who has an interest in politics will know he has taken FG from the bottom of the barrell to the strongest the party has ever been. Def the man for the job IMO. The main problem with politics here is it's not a performance based job. It's all about who ur father voted for among the older generation. As for anyone who doesn't vote shame on you. This country was founded on the bodies of great men who died to give us our rite to vote. How people are so quick to forget this is appalling IMO. I for one will be voting for change. FG
[quote author=Anto J link=topic=28117.msg328373#msg328373 date=1292623671]
who tell voted for the green cnuts, obviously a mistake :comp26:

ya was thinkin the same thing :lol:
[quote author=keith dublin link=topic=28117.msg328382#msg328382 date=1292630304]
I love the the greens bike to work and all that :grin:

F**K your bike I've a Horse Outside! :icon_lol:
one quick question , where the hell is numero uno , the top cat , el presidento , MARY MAC , in aras an uchtaran . i personally think she should be seen to be doin something about it .

i see fat chops on the news 5 times a day spouting crap , where does our president stand in this big mess of a country we're in ??

mis spelled rant over !!
[quote author=mac mac link=topic=28117.msg328398#msg328398 date=1292673557]
one quick question , where the hell is numero uno , the top cat , el presidento , MARY MAC , in aras an uchtaran . i personally think she should be seen to be doin something about it .

i see fat chops on the news 5 times a day spouting crap , where does our president stand in this big mess of a country we're in ??

mis spelled rant over !!


What can she do?
@dagnut , that is my question exactly .

is she not the president , should she not be seen to be doin something , only time i ever see her is at a function of some sort to cut a ribbon or make a thank you speech !!

what exactly does our president do ????

p.s : nice avatar :icon_omg:
has everyone forgotten the last time we had a labour Finegael coalation , in my opinion this will be the result we will see in an election and i bet it would be a disaster , and as for give Enda Kenny a chance at the job ,id sooner trust my dog to perform open heart surgery on a budgee , and lets not even start about Eamon Gilmore . Kenny and Gilmore wont work together well i dont think so we'll end up back where we are
And would you rather that fat pr1ck Cowen to do the operation Tommy? :lol: :lol: He would quote ya a €1000 for the operation and then charge ya €25,000. And ur poor budgee would still die in the end :lol: :lol:
just as a matter of interest Patrick what exactly has he done ? the problems that caused the mess started far from ireland and spread world wide , surely he isnt responsible for a world wide economic melt down that happened ? or did i miss something , and while other economies have started to recover we arent and its down to an over reliance in one industry , building ! which every one in the country benefited from , and as soon as everyone sees that we all have a part to play and do our bit to get the country up and running again the better , im not claiming to be a supporter of cowen or fianna fail but they have been a handy scape goat , who will we blame when the next crowd are elected ????

there is serious money tied up in nama and bank bail outs but equally alot of people in well paid jobs have saved away money and are afraid to spend incase things worse , until people are cofident in there jobs and spending again we will be in the same position next year and the following year and so on , no amount of our dodgy politicians will change this i reckon ,

Just my own personal opinion lads , doesnt mean im right or anything :zzzz: :whistle:
[quote author=Tommy 555 link=topic=28117.msg328446#msg328446 date=1292696318]
just as a matter of interest Patrick what exactly has he done ? the problems that caused the mess started far from ireland and spread world wide , surely he isnt responsible for a world wide economic melt down that happened ? or did i miss something , and while other economies have started to recover we arent and its down to an over reliance in one industry , building ! which every one in the country benefited from , and as soon as everyone sees that we all have a part to play and do our bit to get the country up and running again the better , im not claiming to be a supporter of cowen or fianna fail but they have been a handy scape goat , who will we blame when the next crowd are elected ????

there is serious money tied up in nama and bank bail outs but equally alot of people in well paid jobs have saved away money and are afraid to spend incase things worse , until people are cofident in there jobs and spending again we will be in the same position next year and the following year and so on , no amount of our dodgy politicians will change this i reckon ,

Just my own personal opinion lads , doesnt mean im right or anything :zzzz: :whistle:

In a way Tommy I am inclined to agree with something you said there!!!! He didnt cause or is not responsible for the world wide recession, However he has made a few very very bad decisions with our money in my opinion!!!! The bank bail out was thrown together as fast as they could putit together without having proper control or sanctions on the bank in the first place!!!!!

Oh and just for the record while we are at it!!!!!! I dont really blame Cowan for putting the country in the state its in now I Blame that other FUCKER that jumped ship just at the right time AHERN........

BERTIE AHERN "Golden boy" has fucked this country good and proper, he has ensured he is nice and comfortable and will continue to stay that way

While Cowan hasnt been the best man for the job in many peoples opinions, I believe he was dropped into an impossible position and has done not too bad under the circumstances!!!!!!!
:angry1: :angry1: its not a world wide problem lads that's fianna fail shite talk and spin for we'v spent more than were bringing in in the last 10 years and now no one will give us money. brian clown was meant to be balancing the books when he was minster for finance but the same shower of cu##s couldn't run a bath never mind our country .there are in power to long and that's all that happened.the government needs to be changed every 3 to 5 years to keep them on there toes and fresh . rant over :icon_evil:
Ah Tommy man how is Cowen and FF not to blame for the mess were in.I think the part you may have missed was that He was minister for finance before all this happened so he knew exactly what was going and didn't do a damn thing about it only line his own pockets. Then he denied any responsibility for what happened and he still does. Yes the builders and bankers have alot to do with it but they were regulated by the government's policy's and they were never convicted of anything when everything went tits up. Walked away Scot free with millions stashed away. His government were and still are sh*t at everything they do. For Gods sake they lied about the bailout right up to the Saturday night before it was announced on the Sunday. And then the budgets his party implement. Tax Tax and more Tax. Reduce wages and increase taxes. Nothing about there over spending and squandering of our money. How in the world can they take more tax off someone on the minimum wage than they can do off someone earning over €80k??? Crazy stuff. Yet they can spend millions on this fcuking electric car scheme. Nothing they do makes sense. As to why I think Kenny should be given a shot. Well apart from the above there alternative budget didn't try to cripple the public rather they tried to cut as much government spending as possible and limit the tax hikes on us. That fucker Cowen approved to have the widows pension and the carers allowance cut. Where please tell me where is the reason in that? Cowens government are the reason you and I are paying 1.40+ for petrol. Now whether Kenny's budget would be effective I don't know but hopefully next year we mite get to see. The list goes on and on of all the things Cowen has done to screw this country over just to keep himself and his buddies rich and beyond the laws of the land is sickening.

I agree totally with ya hat we all need to knuckle down and try our best to get this country back up and running again but the government is making it increasingly difficult with there budgets. Take this one little new law. My Dad was in court last month for doing 1 hour over on his driving card. He got a €100 fine. No problem there but get this a new law was passed that the government now get €250 for any case involving the RSA. Even the judge questioned this and was told that it was passed into law in the last few months. So now the fine was up to €350. Where do they get off with this crap. Again not trying to knock your opinions Tommy but this is my opinion on the matter. :thumbsup:
fully understand and respect your opinion Patrick and agree that most of it is true but still think Mc Creevy and Ahern have got away with alot , also think new gangsters and clowns in dail eireann will have a big fat Zero of an effect on the current climate , public opinion needs to move on and get to grips with reality and stop looking back on the Celtic tiger years , there gone over finshed move on and get over it everyone is in the same boat now so deal with it and make the country good again
great thread nodge.

we will never find the problem or the the solution but bertie did get out at the right time, and cowen did get the brown end of the stick, how we go from here is another question but i know its not back towards were we were 3 or 4 years ago and it will never be like that again, i
can see alot of people jumping ship to other countries over the next few years either to start a new life or forget about there mortgages as there's nothing here to pay them what they need, i have worked in london for the last few weeks and the price of living is so cheap toward ireland its unreal, now maybe DAGNUT can explain from his experience as he has been there a good while but i dont know, i dont know were to go from here and i dont know what party could help me.

for years i lived in a catholic country but now i dont know were i stand, calls for thhe anglis to be taken off the tv, i was brought up to be catholic and so was my wife of only six months now, but because im self employed she is now getting deducted more tax because im self employed, i cant get the doll unless i step down and wait 6 months , the governemt dont know whats going on in the country and even if they did they couldnt fix it.

i think the recession was always going to happen but the banks really milked it, there only so many building sites that can grow, you only have to look at the glorified site fork lift driver from a few years ago that were on stupid money i.e. 12/1500 euro a week to know that the irish economy was going down hill, people were getting payed stupid money for jobs anybody could do!

time will tell
I have to say it's a great thread love the views comin in. Was Bertie that good that he bailed out just in time or was he lucky. Ya the old Tiger is well and truly buried now. Will never get back to those days. Jesus I live in a small town and we got a bloody 4 star hotel built by a local developer. That's closing after Christmas for good. Will be a nice eyesore for the town along with all the empty houses. It's hard to see what the next few years are gonna bring. More hardship by the looks of things. A tds salary and pension would come in handy.