Whats happening with your car for the winter

Send the letter fu*k him
Agree. Any man who had even the SLIGHTEST intentions of correcting his wrong, would have had the car straight back over and started along with 1000 apologies.
A DECENT man wouldn't have left it go from the work shop in two different shades in the first place
Send the letter 💪
It very frustrating alright . The problem is he’s paid he probably won’t do it as it’s out of his pocket this time so he’s hoping you get pissed off and take it somewhere else
It very frustrating alright . The problem is he’s paid he probably won’t do it as it’s out of his pocket this time so he’s hoping you get pissed off and take it somewhere else
True but how long do you sit and wait for him to consider doing the right thing?

@dontommy Do you mind sharing how much the spray job was ?
Well Barry it went like this looks have booked a different painter a kind of a friend of mine. While he was ready for me l had the car with the mechanic. She was sitting for a few years and wouldn't start at all. Turns out the fuel pump was focked. Further inspection revealed that the fuel tank was full with rust and gunk so as this meant to be my forever car l said won't try to clean it and just went and bought brand new tank. It was a gc8 one and my mechanic said there were small difference but he got it fitted. Then he said he needs my car out. I went to my panel beater to take the car only to find out that he is gone for a month long holiday and the mechanic put a pressure on me to collect the car. I've no garage and Joe had the car stripped windows out and all so l couldn't just park it outside. Instead l had to look under pressure for someone else. And this is how l end up with this fellow without knowing anything about his work. So the 1st fellow asked for 6k. The 2nd asked for 4k and subsequently asked for 1k extra. Which l told him l wont argue about but l want my car perfect. Now there was a bit of panel work it wasn't just painting. Joe had her cleaned but she was sitting few years before l decided to do something so she needed a bit of cleaning and sealing. I even got a rust proofing stuff from Germany ( the first fellow asked for it).
So that's more or less. I will dig up a few snaps to highlight the difference but it is very noticeable.
6 years waiting. You are a patient man Barry.
My car got painted about a years ago. He sprayed in 2 parts and in a result l have two tone (or as l call it panda effect). Now lm waiting for a year to justify his jobs and spray it in one color. Imo is very hard to fecked up white color. But here we are. He has deadline in mid January and then he is getting solicitors letter. He tried to offload my car to another painter but was told "no, you focked up you are fixing it". He is blaming the shop that mixed the paint for him. The car is still stripped and parked with my mechanic which lm avoiding as every time he is asking when am l taking the car as he needs the space. So here we are. Nearly lost passion for the car without even driving it once....
Jesus, I got cold sweats and nightmare flashbacks reading that. LOL
You won't know yourself once your back in it. It might see kerry this summer will it lol
Went home the other day, car hadn't been driven in about two weeks and snow etc but went to start it and stone flat
Jumped it off another car and put a little solar panel changer on it.
Eli had it when he had the car. Gave it to me.
Basically a small solar panel on top of the dash board wired to the battery to keep the charge in it through the cold.
Handy job
From been garaged and first wash in years to straight back into shed for teardown. Full respray and few parts needing replacing. Wont be at the level baz has gone😄 but will be glass out respray. Been waiting years to do it, just had to start or never get done


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